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Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 26 – 2024 February 27

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 35


0702 hours – Suspicious Person- Area searched, no one matching description located in area.

0909 hours – MVA- Vehicle lost control and hit a light pole causing approx. $50000 damage, one ticket issued, one vehicle towed.

1108 hours – MVA- One vehicle was rear ended at a yield sign, officers assisted with name exchange, no injuries, no damage.

1221 hours – Unwanted Guest- Left in care of EMS.

1226 hours – Parking bylaw- Registered owner contacted and moved vehicle.

1232 hours – Lost Property- Reported for information.

1400 hours – Dispute- Civil dispute over money, situation mediated, parties separated for the day.

1443 hours – Hit & Run- Vehicle backed into car wash door causing damage, police assisted in name exchange between both parties.

1522 hours – Trespass – Subject was located and ticketed for tress pass, and subject was sent on their way.

1606 hours- Fraud- Scam telemarketers got $8950 from couple stating that family needed it.

1725 Unwanted guest- Subject was located and left upon request.

1742 hours- Family dispute still under investigation to get statements.

1804 hours- Break & enter- Garage was broken into over night, unknown if items where taken, still under investigation to identify suspects, $500 damage to door.

1804 hours- MVA- Approx. $25000 damage, one ticket issued, and one vehicle towed.

1812 hours- Intoxicated Person- Subject was located, situation mediated for time being, advice was giving on how to move forward.

1951 hours- Dangerous Driving- Complaint was made for information to have the registered oner to be spoken to regarding driving.

2304 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was located and given resources for a place to stay for the night.

2319 hours- Unwanted Guest- Complaint regarding male smoking inside building lobby on the 0-block main street, area searched subject left before police arrival.

0024 hours- Complaint was made regarding a wanted persons location, police attended area and located individual.

0102 hours- Suspicious Vehicle- Police attended area and located subject who was safe, no concerns.


911 Calls – 5

Warrants Executed – 2

Assist Other Agency – 3
