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MAF Board of Directors at the Grant Night in 2023: Oleksandra Annamuradova, Sue Nelson, Tio Bellisario, Phyllis Loewen, Zainab Zubair, Lenore Laverty, Brad Ritchie, Robert Friesen, member of the Thomas Sill Foundation Ron Westfall, and MAFfounding board m
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MAF Board of Directors at the Grant Night in 2023: Oleksandra Annamuradova, Sue Nelson, Tio Bellisario, Phyllis Loewen, Zainab Zubair, Lenore Laverty, Brad Ritchie, Robert Friesen, member of the Thomas Sill Foundation Ron Westfall, and MAF founding board member and member of the Thomas Sill Foundation Sam Andrew.

Do you know someone in Morden who has a long history of doing great work and who has volunteered in the community for years?  

Morden Area Foundation (MAF) Board Member Lenore Laverty said you should nominate them for the Citizen of Distinction Award. 

"It's that time of year now when we begin to think about recognizing and honouring a person who has a strong commitment to making Morden a better place to live. So, the foundation is now accepting nominations for its annual Citizen of Distinction Award." 

She explained who can nominate someone and who should be nominated. 

"The board encourages all Morden residents to make a nomination, and it might be somebody who's prominent and well known to others, or it might really be somebody who largely goes unnoticed and is working in the background but doing some great work for the community and supporting the community, its people and organizations."  

She noted someone who is an inspiration to people too that we can look to in our own lives, to participate in the Community and give back.   

"The original award recognized volunteerism in the community and the number of years ago the Morden Area Foundation Board decided that also people could obviously contribute through their paid work experience. So now, it's really a combination of either volunteer work people do and their volunteer efforts or paid work as well.  

She outlined some of the attributes that have made others successful in receiving the award.  

"The people that I recall receiving the award in the past have just had a very long history of doing work in the community, and when I think of people like Marilyn Skubovious and Pat Gibson and Denis Magotiaux, and Sue Nelson that really have participated in organizations and volunteerism and done good work in the community for years, so it does sort of recognize peoples you know sort of longevity too."  

More information and nomination forms can be found on the Morden Area Foundation website or at the MAF office. Deadline is March 31st. 

Author Alias