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Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew (Photo credit: THE CANADIAN PRESS/David Lipnowski)

The NDP government will deliver its first budget to Manitobans next month.

Premier Wab Kinew announced on Monday that they will present their 2024-25 budget on Tuesday, April 2nd. He notes this budget will deliver on their commitments to rebuild health care and provide lower costs for families.

"As a province, we have so many opportunities to grow our economy and repair the services Manitobans need," says Kinew. "It's going to take a balanced approach. With our first budget, we're taking responsible steps to deliver on our commitments to rebuild health care in our province, lower costs for families, make our communities safer, and create good jobs."

Kinew says Budget 2024 will include major investments to bring quality health care closer to Manitobans in their communities, increase capacity and staffing across the province, and create new measures to lower costs and grow Manitoba's diversified low-carbon economy.

Author Alias