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Today is International Women’s Day (March 8th). According to the IWD website, this day is set aside to recognize and to celebrate women’s accomplishments and to educate and to raise awareness about equality for women and to call for positive change for women.

Today, women across the world are being celebrated and recognized for their accomplishments and for many, it’s a reminder of the past and how far the fight for equality and women’s rights has come in a world where not all women have access to education nor the right to vote today.

A variety of women in the Pembina Valley are sharing what this day means to them and about a woman who inspires them. Take time today to get to know the hearts of local women and to celebrate the women in your life.

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MLA for Morden-Winkler Carrie Hiebert, Alley and Madison Schiller

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

It means doing all I can to support women around me to become all that they can and want to be. To remove the barriers that may be holding them back from everything life has for them. To encourage, to educate, to stand up for those who get knocked down, to pull each other up when one of us falls. To tell our young women that they are enough and perfect exactly how they are!

Name a woman you admire and why.

This is such a hard question, so many  women have crossed my path in my lifetime, each one adding something special to my journey, all poured into my life and made me who I am today. I can’t just pick one, but there are two special women that I admire and want to talk about. They are like many others special young women, they are world changers, they are our future.

They are my two daughter-in-law’s, Alley and Madison Schiller. These two young women stand out, (not just because they married my two wonderful sons) but because of the women they are and how they affect the world around them.

Alley is the gentle, all knowing voice of reason, with a wisdom well beyond her years. She is nurturing, kind and patient. She is in university, faculty of social work,  she wants to make an impact on our youth and  improve mental-health.  Alley traveled with me to India on a mission to help single mothers and women in poverty, she is still working with the women of India.

Madison is a strong, young woman with a huge heart and a boldness that keeps everyone on their toes. She pushes those around her to become the best that they could possibly be. Pushing herself also to discover the endless talent and creativity she has. Her gifts and abilities to create beauty and bring joy to everyone around her impacts so many. She has no idea how huge the scope of her impact is on those that experience her creations with flowers. She is a true gift, bringing beauty everywhere she goes.

We all have strong women like Alley and Madison around us, let’s encourage and build them up, let’s do that for each other also. 

“I believe that we need to continue to pour into our younger generations of women as they will be the ones that will continue the progressive change and stand up for all women in our world”

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Morden Mayor Nancy Penner


What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International women’s day is an opportunity to celebrate and honour women all over the world and help empower them to have control over their own lives. To celebrate the women who went before us and inspired us and those who continue to inspire us today.

Name a woman you admire and why.

I admire Eleanor Emmett, a woman who taught me to believe in myself, how to show kindness to others, and through example showed me how to give back to the community.

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CPHR, Woman, wife, mother, RM of Thompson Municipal Councillor  Donna Cox


What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day – because we can!

Get an education – because you can – do it because there are women that can only dream about having the privilege of getting an education and having a career.

Travel the world – because you can – do it because there are women that don’t have this freedom.

Vote in every election – because you can – do it because there are women in this world that can only dream about having the right to vote.

Have children, or not – because you can – do it because there are women in this world that do not have this choice.

Fall in love and get married, or not – because you can – do it because there are women in this world that don’t have this option.

Get involved with social interest groups – because you can – do it because there are women in this world that aren’t allowed a voice.

We have this freedom, these rights, privileges, choices, options and voices because extraordinary women advocated for our equality. Don’t do these things for other people – do it for yourself – because you can.

Celebrate being a Person! Don’t take this for granted because it hasn’t always been that way.

Name a woman you admire and why.

I admire the influence and contributions made by Ruth Badar Ginsburg on women’s equality.

“Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”  - Ruth Badar Ginsburg

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June Letkeman


Name a woman you admire and why.

I have known Rosemary Siemens personally for about 15 years.  I was chairperson for Plum Fest when she had her wedding in Plum Coulee so we got to know each other very well. She is an amazing person with amazing talent.  She is always willing to use this talent at any time, whether it be in the coffee shop or in a corn field.

Her amazing achievements such as Five significant engagements as concertmaster, three as a guest conductor (the Vatican and Carnegie Hall twice) two as Artist-in-Residence (Hong Kong and New York), several as masterclass instructor (FL, BC, PA); additionally eight as motivational speaker, including the Roman Summit at the Vatican and several at The World Entrepreneur Forum, and five as Manitoba Patron concerts.

Achievements include nominations for 2020 Leo Award for Best Music Video, four Inspirational Country Music Awards, and four Covenant Awards, along with viral videos reaching 42.8 million reviews, recordings on movie soundtracks and film scores, and radio and charting distinctions. Co-Leader of existing . commissioned, and original compositions between 2005 and 2021.

Rosemary is motivated by generosity and compassion.  Rosemary has also provided entertainment for notable people in private or restricted-admission and closed events.  These include two Canadian Prime Ministers.

Rosemary is an amazing evangelist!  I think she has brought thousands and thousands of people to get to know and trust the Lord through her “Bring Back the Hymns” program which is on YouTube.  She is truly a genuine and sincere person who cares about everyone that she knows.  She portrays compassion and love is such a genuine way.  And her music shows this.  She truly loves what she does and enjoys using her talents to make people happy.


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Executive Director Genesis House Ang Braun

For me,  International Women's Day is really a great time to reflect on the significant progress women have made in Canada and around the world.   I also think about the women in the early years who fought for our rights and how that is something we should never take for granted.  For example our ability to vote, drive cars, own property, and get a university degree all came to be because the women that came before us took a stand and made demands.  I recognize that these same rights are not enjoyed by every woman in the world, so we need to be vigilant and we need to speak up not only for ourselves but for every woman around the world.  Moving towards equity, I would love to see the gender pay gap close so that women earn more than 84 cents on the dollar compared to men. 

Woman I admire and why?

My paternal grandmother was widowed at an early age, with 4 young boys to raise on her own.  She kept a large garden, had chickens, did odd jobs, sewing and other crafts to keep them housed and fed.  It must have been exhausting and very lonely at times.  I can remember going to her house as a child and she still cooked with an old wood burning stove.  English never really came easy to her, and so even as her family grew to include grandchildren, her isolation still persisted.  However she was happy and a great example of strength and tenacity when faced with an uncertain future, raising her children on her own.  Giving up was not an option.  She had the courage to get up everyday, putting one foot in front of the other, having faith that life would be ok. 

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Nellie McClung Heritage Site Board Member Angela Seymour

“International Women’s Day brings us all together to celebrate accomplishments big and small. Each is valuable and contributes to the wellbeing of our communities and our country.”

“The woman I most admire is actually a profession dominated by women - teachers.

I think of Nellie McClung who was a pioneer in one room schoolhouses and of Bette Mueller who was the first-ever female Principal of Nellie McClung Collegiate.

Today, two women lead our schools in Manitou - Jayme Handford and Chloe Van De Kerckhove.

As a retired teacher myself, I celebrate the endless dedication and contributions of teachers everywhere for helping strengthen the fabric and future of Manitoba and Canada.”

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Leanne with Tina Fehr-Kehler

I have been a feminist years before I had even heard of the word. I continued to be a feminist after I was told that it referred to worldly women who hated men. But I didn’t call myself a feminist until years later when I learned that at its simplest it meant someone who believed and advocated for equality of all women to men. International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on the historical domination brought about by global colonization; domination of the earth and everything in it, domination of indigenous and peasant populations who live/d in rhythms with the earth, and domination of women so closely related to the earth in their life-giving potential. This day reminds me that restoration of women’s equality must go hand in hand with restoring the earth and advocating for all those who are marginalized, particularly indigenous peoples and peasant farmers living on the land. It is always about releasing power over and instead empowering others.

The women I admire the most are those who have challenged the patriarchy of their day in writing about their experiences when they had “no business” to do so. Women like the 13th century nun, Mechthild of Magdeburg, who, though untrained in theology, wrote of her experiences of God out of her poverty and in her suffering. Whose words touch me in the depths of my own poverty of soul and illness, reminding me that “this” is enough.

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Jaclynn Knight

International Women's Day is a day where you can recognize women and celebrate the things that they've done, which is a lot. Sometimes they can get a little overshadowed by men, so it's nice to have a day where we can just kind of celebrate that.

A woman I look up to in my life is my Auntie Linda. She's just really fun to talk to and I feel really safe just talking to her and being with her. She's also a 911 operator, which is a pretty important job.

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Megan Rogers

International Women's Day is a celebration of how far our gender has come but also a reminder that we shouldn't take our progress for granted. History is full of courageous women who paved the way for the rights we have today, and they deserve to be honoured.

Dr. Jane Goodall was born April 3, 1934. At almost 90 years of age, her discoveries and accomplishments in studying and protecting primates and the environment are unparalleled. But when she first began her career as a primatologist and anthropologist in the late 1950's and early 1960's, she was told that "girls don't do that sort of thing." In fact, there were only three men who were in the field doing research. Then, at the age of 26, when she first went to (now) Tanzania, she had to go with her mother, as local authorities would not allow her to go alone. Armed with a notepad and binoculars, she began her research. Since then, she has changed the way we look at primates and animals in general. She acquired her PhD in ethology, founded the Jane Goodall Institute, has authored many books and has received countless awards and recognitions. Also of significant importance, Dr. Jane Goodall, who was laughed at for entering her field, broke down societal norms. Due to her perseverance, there are currently roughly equal numbers of men and women now in primatology.

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Erin Plett

This is a loaded question - it is a multifaceted day for me.  It is global, local, and personal.  Each day brings news of women around the world experiencing a varied existence - and then there are stories that we never get to hear of how women support and champion each other.  It is a privilege to stand with women worldwide on this day and listen to their voices of strength and perseverance.

There are so many unique and strong women in my life who I learn from.  Each life experience teaches us different perspectives and it is important to remember to keep an open mind to everyone we interact with.

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Lexi Hacault and her mom

To me, this day is a day to not only acknowledge the change makers of our past, but also look to the women who are making change right now, on both big and small scales. I think it’s also a day to reflect and acknowledge all the women who have influenced you in your growth as a person and say thanks to them as well.

A woman who inspires me most is my mom. It’s the obvious answer but it is also the most truthful one. While she has taught me many lessons in life, like the importance of patience, kindness, and respect, she has also exemplified the importance of volunteering within your community, and lending your efforts where needed. Being from a small town, I have seen first-hand how many people it takes to run things, and because of her I have continued to volunteer into my adult life. Ultimately though, she’s taught me how to have fun, and not take life too seriously. To find the funny moments and persevere through the tough ones. I know I don’t say it often enough to her, but I really am thankful for the woman she is and the woman she has raised me to be.

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Chari Fehr

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

A women who can balance life and everything that comes with it.

Name a woman you admire and why.

There are many women in my life I admire, my Gramma Hamm sticks out to me because she was a woman who loved to laugh, joke and have fun! She loved to bowl, play cards, and write Low German plays.

She was so compassionate and humble her heart hurt for anyone who was struggling or having a hard time. She made sure her mom (who was widowed in her forties) was taken care of. She was also a hard-working woman. She would milk the cows, tend to the chickens, combine, bail, truck grain from the field to the yard, and bring many homecooked meals to the field.

On top of all she did, her house was always clean. She also had an interior painting business on the side, with her sisters. This all being said, it’s hard to find the words to describe my Gramma Hamm, as she was a beautiful woman inside and out. I have always looked up to her and looking up to her has been one of the reasons I am who I am today.

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Myrna Wiebe


It’s a day that I reflect on all the amazing women in my life and remind them that the world is a better place with them in it!

Katherine Wiebe (my mom) is the woman I admire most.  I have never known anyone that worked harder, loved and cared deeper, or walked alongside so many people in their life journey, with a bigger heart than her – and never expected anything in return.

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Harper Nelson

Harper Nelson (9 years old)

A day to celebrate how awesome girls are. It means happiness because girls are wonderful.

I admire Auntie Margie (Toews) because she allows us to take care of her dog Bailey when she’s away. She’s always so nice and I love spending time with her.

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Melanie Peters

What International women's day means to me is being able to look back and see how far we've come. How many women have stood up for us in the past so that we have our rights to vote, work, and just be women.

One of the women I look up to the most would be my mom. She has overcome many things in her life and has become one of the most amazing, beautiful people I know. She is happy, understanding, funny, and a strong woman of faith. I wouldn't be where I am without her.


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Colleen Mourant

It a day where I can reflect how proud I am to be a woman and recognize the progress I’ve made in my career and personal life despite all the challenges that I have faced and whatever challenges that lie ahead.

I admire my mom because through her cancer and my dad's accident she still going strong as much as she could. Always still able to provide for us with food, keeping up with chores, etc as much as she was able to anyway.

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Tasnima Ferdous

International Women's Day is a celebration that reminds us of the strength of women around the world. It's an inspiration for all women to continue to strive towards personal growth and to contribute to society.

The woman I admire most is my mother. Despite getting married immediately after graduating high school, my mother balanced her career goals with family responsibilities and continued studying while managing a large household of eight individuals. She achieved great success in both completing her master's degree and building a successful career, all while supporting my father along the way until now. Her story has been a source of motivation for me, driving my efforts towards earning a university degree and developing my career. I learned from her to share responsibilities and contribute to the family with my husband as an equal partner.

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Jessi Ingalls

To me, International Women’s Day means paving the way for equality for all people. We all have something to offer to society, and if we work together, we can overcome the division and adversity in our communities. When we value each other, listen to each other and uplift each other, we are unstoppable.

A woman I admire is my wife, Taylor. She consistently shows up for our family, whether it’s being a counsellor, chef, housekeeper, hairstylist, or a safe place to land on a hard day, she shows up for our kids and myself. All this while running her own hairstyling business, maintaining a social life and focusing on personal growth. My wife is resilient, kind, and genuine. My wife makes me a better person, the world is lucky to have her.

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Chelsea Bourgeois

I would say I am 100% a feminist. I believe all power to the women, and I love women, they're very great.

The person I look up to the most would be my mom. She is an amazing person. I love her. The other person is Barbie, a very great person. She proves that a woman can be anything or everything, maybe all at once. Who knows?

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Lijie Zhou

The woman I admire most is Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie. I learned about her story when I was a younger kid. She knew that knowledge would change her life, no matter how the environment was, she should try her best to read and learn as much as she could. Studying hard in the light of kerosene lamp, in the room without heating, she kept on her interests. Even after she got the prizes for her inventions, she still led an ordinary life. She had strong feelings to keep her working even after she lost her husband. As a scientist, she did lead by example to her daughters, and also cared about the growth of them. They also became great people and did a lot for science and world peace.

Her spirit really encouraged me a lot. Most of the time when I was in elementary school and junior middle school period, it was short of power, we seldom had electric lights in our shelter. Most of the time I had to study under the kerosene lamp, her story was a shining light in my heart. Her story also taught me, if you have anything you want to do, don't care more about the environment. When you have a goal, just do it.

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Jillian Hildebrand

International Women’s Day acknowledges that women fought and are fighting for equal rights I don’t need to worry about being equal and not getting opportunities.

I admire my teacher Mrs Wiens at the Plum Coulee school. She has to deal with all of us and she does a great job. She gives us opportunities to have after school sports by coaching and supporting us. She is a strong woman.

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Christina Cearns

IWD to me; as a woman, is an incredibly important day and the meaning of it, is empowerment. Women coming from all walks of life, different journeys, different eras, and coming together to support, comfort, encourage, and be each other’s cheerleader. When women come together, they become an intangible force.

Name a woman you admire and why?

This question had me rattling my brain for a couple days in how I would answer this question and personally, there is not just one woman I admire, in fact, I admire each of them. Every woman, young lady and/or girls that I have encountered have different strengths, skills, and talents they all offer. Each one is unique, each one is special, and each one is important. It is an incredibly beautiful sight seeing women working together, to build each other up, and being thrilled to see each of them succeed.

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Karina Bueckert

I have had the privilege of growing up in a home where I watched my Mom break many glass ceilings. Like mowing the front lawn in Paraguay, while wearing shorts which was seen as a "Mans" job (the church called a meeting to discuss her absurd actions). When we immigrated, she worked 3 jobs while still taking care of all 7 of us. She started a very successful business on our Kitchen table and still is flourishing. I have watched her struggle in all of these positions for many reasons including for simply for being a woman.

International Women's Day is a reminder to me that life is hard enough, we should not have to make it more difficult for anyone simply because of their gender. So my Mom, Adele Dyck is the woman I admire the most. She did not back down when men in our community tried to make her life more difficult when she started her own business 28 years ago. Determination/ Passion can often be misunderstood as aggressive. I could not be more proud of her. Us kids bought her a shirt that says, "Well Behaved Women, seldom make history". Enough said.

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Robyn Sierks

It is a day where a Sisterhood of Proverbs 31 women take time to celebrate the courage, strength and beauty of being a woman. A day where women gather together at the Well as Sisters to lift up, build up and edify each other in everything we do. We are all like the women at the Well in John 4. We love each other through thick and thin each and every day.

The woman I admire the most is my Grandmother. She was a woman who loved everyone unconditionally. She selflessly fed and nurtured the lost, the lonely , friends and family. My Grandma had a strong moral compass, was soft yet extremely strong. She taught me how to work hard and that it’s better to give than receive. She was smart as a whip and the kindest person I’ve ever known. She made me a better person and for that I’m extremely thankful.

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Martha Nickel

It’s a day women are recognized for their achievements. It’s a day to celebrate changes that have been made in how people view different roles in society and to see everyone as someone who can contribute to the community in a variety of ways.

I admire my mom because she's a person who can always see the best in everyone and she is very understanding and never makes people feel left out.

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Dr Tanja Borchers and her friend Melissa

Imagine a world where women are not stereotyped or discriminated against; where gender equality is celebrated; where women can dream and aspire to do great things despite our differences and despite any barriers. To me International Women’s Day acknowledges and honours the incredible accomplishments of all women. I’m fortunate to have many inspirational women to walk alongside in life. Women who taught me and raised me. Women who have cheered me on while I passionately pursue my own career goals. Women who laugh with me when I need to lighten my load. Women who comfort me when I’m processing the tough parts of life. These women live near and far. They inspire me as mothers, care givers, and dream chasers. They excel in various interest areas. They are physicians, mothers, photographers, nurses, foreign ambassadors, and businesswomen.

One local woman who inspires me daily is Melissa. She is an example of what it means to love and care with your whole heart - for friends, family, colleagues and patients. She has many titles - mom, wife, bestie, daughter, doctor, friend, colleague and more. She balances her family responsibilities alongside her career. She has close to 1500 patients who call her their family doctor, she brings babies into the world, she cares for our hospital patients, she helps get us through our emergencies and she organizes our physician group schedule. Outside of all that she’s raising the next generation of women (and a little man), being an amazing friend and inspiring fun adventures (or crafty shenanigans) along the way. She’s a big part of my tribe and deserving of a special shout out on this International Woman’s Day.

Author Alias