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Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 March 5 – 2024 March 6

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 38


0718 hours – Theft Under – gas drive off – Video obtained SUI to identify subject

0940 hours – Disturbance – female subject causing a disturbance in public – subject didn’t have clean clothes and was warned for her actions.

1018 hours – Mischief – Exhaust cut off a bus – no cameras or witnesses. File number provided to owner for insurance.

1123 hours – Hit and Run – vehicle hit in parking lot – SUI

1203 hours – Hit and Run – 2 vehicle mva – police assisted in a name exchange.

1528 hours – Hit and Run – vehicle hit in parking lot today – no suspects.

1604 hours – Break and Enter – bank card missing from subjects unlocked apartment – bank card cancelled, no signs of forced entry, subject thinks his bank card is lost.

1649 hours – MVA Over $5000 – Subjects ran over by own vehicle- Subject taken to hospital by EMS, SUI

1739 hours – Fraud – someone collecting money for deaf and handicapped people in parking lot – SUI

2041hours – Fire Call – An explosion and smoke- Propane tank exploded was put out by fire on police arrival.

2137 hours – Vehicle seizure – Vehicle impounded as driver was a suspended driver- driver arrested for warrants.


Wellbeing Check/Assist to locate: 3

Unwanted guest/trespass: 4

Breach of Court Orders: 1

Assist other Government Agencies: 5

Parking By law: 2

Warrants: 1

Alarm calls: 2

911 calls: 1
