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Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 March 6 – 2024 March 7

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 33


0716 hours –Insecurity- Concerned neighbour noticed home door open, home was checked, no concern.

0841 hours – Found Property- Assigned to commissioners to be picked up and exhibited as found property.

0841 hours – Fraud- Legitimate tax service, not fraud.

0850 hours – Parking bylaw- Owners notified that they were parked in a no parking area, vehicles moved at soonest convenience.

0921 hours – Hit & Run- Still under investigation to speak with driver of another vehicle.

0943 hours – Suspicious Occurrence- Advice given to follow up with rentals men board.

1205 hours – Unwanted guest.  Subject left on police request.

1309 hours- Theft- Construction equipment in value of $6000 was rented and not returned, still under investigation to determine suspects.

1335 hours- Fire Call- Furnace belt was smoking, no fire and no damages.

1409 hours- Assault- Still under investigation for statements and to contact all parties.

1418 hours- Impaired driver- Was charged with exceed and impaired driving.

1453 hours- Mischief- Vehicle was vandalized on February 24 causing $1000 damage, reported to SGI file number provided.

1459 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was located and sent on their way and advised not to go back.

1513 hours- Disturbance- Subject was located and stated some frustration, being upset while speaking with a friend, calmed down.

1539 hours- MVA- 2 Vehicle MVA, 2 Minor injuries, 1 ticket issued for driving too fast for road conditions, approximately $20,000 damage, 2 tows.

1537 hours- Suspicious Vehicle- Vehicle wasn’t stolen, just having some mechanical issues.

1548 hours- Unwanted guest- Subject was located and charged with mischief under, possession of stolen property, and issued a trespass ticket.

1704 hours- Parking Bylaw- Vehicle was located, parked legally not blocking or impeding traffic.

1709 hours- Break & Enter- Area searched, nothing seems out of place or stolen.

1820 hours- Dispute- Advice was given, not a police issue.

2118 hours- MVA- One semi clipped another while pulling away from pumps causing approx. $20000 damage, no injuries, one ticket issued and one warning.

2149 hours- Dispute- Neighbour dispute over snow shovelling mediated.


Curfew checks- 5

911- 4
