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With temperatures starting to warm, ticks are slowly making their move for the season. Specialists in the area are warning that when temperatures reach above 4 degrees, that's when ticks start to wake up from their slumber. 

After having hibernated for the cold seasons, these creatures are now hungry and looking for their first meal so they can tend to be more active as things defrost. 

Ticks are known to carry blood borne diseases like Lyme. 

And with this it is time to start thinking about protecting our pets and ourselves. There are many products on the market that aim to help our furry friend, either a topical or oral medicine. Bug repellent with DEET sprayed on exposed skin and clothing is a great deterrent for us. 


Tick checks are the best way though to protect against these critters. 

Health Canada goes as far to say when you come home from being outside you should check your whole body, focusing on tight areas such as between the toes, armpits and behind the knee. 

If a tick has latched on, the best practice is to use a pair of tweezers and pull the tick as close to the skin as possible, once removed wash the area with soap and water. Monitor for any symptoms that arise from the bite.

Always follow the direction of a trained veterinarian when administering medication.  

Author Alias