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Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 March 18 – 2024 March 19

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 64


0442 Trespass  – subject not welcome at business, entered anyways, to be issued a ticket for trespassing.

0707 Property Dispute – Attempts at retrieving property negative, party advised to begin civil process.

0821 Theft – Semi tires stolen from open sea can between 5pm Saturday and 7am Sunday.  Police continue to investigate.

0911 Unwanted guest – An individual smoking inside banking vestibule, ticketed under cannabis control act.

1011 Dispute – Officers responded to an argument between 2 parties, which was mediated.

1026 Mischief – A tire was slashed sometime between 11 March and 12 March, file provided for insurance purposes.

1101 Theft – Gas drive-off occurred March 18, plate number and vehicle description obtained.  Police continue to investigate.

1142 Theft – individual stole merchandise, still under investigation for video and list of stolen items.

1204 Suspicious Occurrence – An individual witnessed a potential abduction on 16th of March at about 2000 hours, police continue to investigate.

1252 Assault – Occurred on 12 March, Police continue to investigate.

1357 Break and Enter – residence entered, property stolen, police continue to investigate.

1426 Fraud – police continue to investigate.

1610 MVA – Two vehicles collision resulting in approximately $30000 in damage, 2 tows, 1 minor injury, 1 ticket issues.

1833 Assault – A youth was charged with assault and mischief, released with conditions to appear in court at a later date.

1848 Shoplifting – A individual walked away with approximately $100 worth of merchandise, police continue to investigate.

1917 Dangerous Driving – vehicle reported driving wrong way, plate, street, and location provided; police continue to investigate.

1921 Intoxicated – An intoxicated person was arrested for public intoxication and held until sober.

2027 Dispute – alcohol fueled dispute between individuals was mediated by police.


911- 7

Alarm Call – 1

Assist other agency – 5

