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Moose Jaw Police Service

April 12, 2024 – April 13, 2024

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls –


0911-Hours – Dispute – Police spoke to both parties and situation was mediated.

1043 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Police spoke to complainant about animal cruelty, still under investigation.

1054 Hours – Bike Theft – Bike stolen from a residence, awaiting serial number from owner.

1137 Hours – Mischief – Building was entered by an unknown subject with damage to the property.

1147 Hours – Found Property – Owner was contacted and property was returned.

1239 Hours – Theft – Plate stolen from a vehicle, still under investigation to contact owner.

1310 Hours – Erratic Driving – Police spotted a vehicle driving erratic, driver was warned.

1311 Hours – Erratic Driving – Vehicle cutting off on the road, owner was spoken to and warned of their actions.

1350 Hours – Theft Under – Consumables goods stolen from a business, still under investigation.

1406 Hours – Threats – Subject causing a disturbance, subject arrested and held in cells.

1414 Hours – Mischief – Damage to a sign and property in the area, police to monitor.

1503 Hours – Mischief – Vehicle had food thrown at it, no damage to the vehicle.

1506 Hours – Noise Bylaw – Engine retarder breaks were used in the city, company warned.

1526 Hours – Erratic Driver – Driver was warned about erratic driving.

1535 Hours – Theft Under – Items stolen from a vehicle in the downtown area.

1716 Hours – Phone Threat – Party receiving unwanted messages, advice provided.

1756 Hours – Theft Under – Car was broken into, and items stolen.

1837 Hours – Motor Vehicle Accident – 2 vehicle accident, no injuries, approx. $15000 in damage.

1840 Hours – Dispute – Assisted in getting a tenant back into apartment to retrieve items.

2044 Hours – Parking Bylaw – Ticket was issued for subject parking in a driving lane.

2053 Hours – Dispute – Subject was spoken to and warned about his actions.

2216 – Erratic Driving – Subject was warned about erratic driving.

Assist Other Agencies: 3

ASD: 8

Breaches – 2

Curfew Check: 5

Warrants Executed: 2


911 Calls:  2
