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Moose Jaw Police Service

April 13, 2024 – April 14, 2024

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 65


0741-Hours – Erratic Driving – Police talking with complainant to find the driver, still under investigation to obtain footage.

0859 Hours – Mental Health – Party arrested for uttering threats.

1427 Hours – Theft – Propane tank stolen from yard.

1456 Hours – Bike Theft – Bike stolen, still under investigation, pending video footage.

1705 Hours – Motor Vehicle Accident -2 vehicle, motor vehicle accident.  Approx..  $15000 damage.

1708 Hours – Theft – Items stolen from vehicle, trying to obtain video.

1805 Hours – Threats – Police obtained a statement and are following up with the suspect.

1905 Hours – Assist & Locate – Party has not been heard from in some time, Police are trying to locate the party involved.

2046 Hours – Dispute – Police helped mediate a family dispute.

2238 Hours – Assist EMS – Assisted EMS on a call.

0140 Hours – Mischief – Police were called after cars have been getting egged.

Assist Other Agencies: 2

ASD: 9

Curfew Check: 1


911 Calls:  6
