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Moose Jaw Police Service

April 14, 2024 – April 15, 2024

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 39


0706 Hours – Suspicious Person – Police were called to take a person who appeared to be injured to the hospital, not suspicious.

0728 Hours – Harassing Calls – Complainant was receiving harassing calls, police provided advice to complainant.

0947 Hours – Threats – Police advised complainant on how to deal with some harassing messages.

1239 Hours – Mischief – Vehicle was damaged, approximately $1500 worth of damage.

1310 Hours – Mischief – Vehicle was damaged, reported for insurance purposes.

1338 Hours – Theft – Property was stolen from a vehicle.

1422 Hours – Shoplifting – Police were called to shoplifting incident complainant, still under investigation.

1806 Hours – Well Being Check – Police checked on individual was advised to be taken to the hospital.

1827 Hours – Public Intoxication – Police attended to an individual was arrested for public intoxication, held until sober.

1910 Hours – Theft of Auto –Police were called about a stolen vehicle, still under investigation.

1953 Hours – Assist Elderly Person – Police were called to help an elderly person, resources provided.

2319 Hours – Mischief – Police were called to people vandalizing cameras, to be charged with mischief.

249 Hours – Motor Vehicle Accident – Complainant swerved to miss a deer, hit a trailer, police assisted driver who had no injuries.

Assist Other Agencies: 1

ASD: 1

Breaches: 3

Curfew Check: 4

911 Calls:  7
