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(From AMM social media) Nancy Penner reelected as Central District Director for the region.
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(Picture from AMM social media) Nancy Penner reelected as Central District Director for the region.

When Morden Mayor Nancy Penner decided to run for her newly elected position as mayor, she had to resign her position as councilor for the city and from a position on the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) as Central District Director for the region.   

Now back in the municipal representative community, Penner took another bid for the director role. 

"I always enjoyed my role as district director with AMM. They posted an opportunity in a by-election to run and that was held at the Spring Conference, which was just completed in Brandon this week. So, I let my name stand and I was very pleased to be reelected as Central District Director."  

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(Picture from AMM website) Nancy Penner

Central District consists of 22 municipalities from the RM of Portage la Prairie, the RM of Macdonald, and the RM of Lorne to the Canada-US border. 

"I'm pleased to be back on the board with AMM and I am one of two directors with Central District, myself and Reeve Christa Vann Mitchell. We get to work with the municipalities within our district and be aware of the concerns within the Central District and we sit at the board table. And as we go forward and represent the issues within the district, we bring them forward to the board table and of course AMM brings those concerns to the provincial government."  

AMM represents 137 municipalities within Manitoba and will be heading into Lobby Days next week to meet with the provincial government to discuss the issues and concerns facing municipalities across the province. 

Author Alias