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Opposition Leader Wayne Ewasko (submitted photo)

Manitoba's Opposition Leader says since forming government, the NDP has shown to be disorganized, disorderly, and dishonest. Wayne Ewasko made that comment this week on the same day that the Progressive Conservatives delayed four NDP bills until the fall legislative sitting.

On Wednesday, the PC Caucus announced it has delayed four NDP bills in order to allow Manitobans more time to provide their input and become fully informed about the costs that the NDP ideology will have on their bottom line. Those four bills are Bill 7, Bill 9, Bill 16, and Bill 21. 

According to the PC Caucus, Bill 7 forces Manitobans to unionize while driving up the costs of major public construction projects. Bill 9 extends the length of the leave for serious injury or illness from 17 weeks to 27 weeks. The Caucus says Bill 16 repeals the Regulatory Accountability Act in a move widely denounced by Manitoba business groups as a significant setback when it comes to removing red tape for businesses. And Bill 21 lowers the compulsory school age.

With regards to Bill 21, Ewasko says this comes at the same time that the NDP has cancelled nine schools from being built, including one in Ste. Anne. He notes these decisions will drive up enrollment and lead to more overcrowded classrooms in elementary schools across the province. Not only that, but Ewasko says with new schools come new childcare spaces. He notes that generally there is a minimum of 74 spaces per school and with nine schools cut, that is a lot of childcare spaces. 

"Every child in Manitoba has the right to go to school, and they deserve a strong, world-class education system, from kindergarten to university," says Grant Jackson, PC Critic for Education. "But after cancelling nine new schools from being built as soon as they took office, the NDP has made it clear they will put politics over students and pick winners and losers when it comes to education. Manitoba families deserve better, and their kids deserve better."

"Manitobans are rightfully concerned about any legislation that impacts their rights as families and as workers, along with employers who are also concerned about changes that impact their businesses and workforce," says PC House Leader Derek Johnson. "Thorough, transparent engagement and consultation must be undertaken by the government before proceeding with any of these bills."

Author Alias