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Spring seeding is underway in Saskatchewan and SaskPower is encouraging farmers to make safety a priority when operating around power lines.

During the spring seeding and harvest seasons SaskPower observes an increase in line contacts involving farm equipment and power lines, with 268 incidents being reported last year alone.

To reduce the risk of power line contacts during these crucial and busy times of the year SaskPower recommends farmers take steps to avoid such incidents. These steps include avoiding fatigue by taking routine breaks, using a spotter when moving large equipment near power lines, and utilizing the Look Up and Live interactive map to plan routes ahead of time, and collapsing/retracting equipment whenever possible.

In the event of a line contact, SaskPower reminds equipment operators to remain in their vehicle and to call 911 immediately. Should a fire be ignited from the line contact, operators should follow the safe exit procedure and under no circumstances return to their vehicle or implement:

  • Swing the vehicle door wide open, being sure to not touch the outside of the vehicle.
  • Making sure no wires are in your way.
  • Stand in the doorway of the vehicle, cross your arms in front of your chest and put your feet together.
  • Jump as far from the vehicle as possible, making sure you don’t touch the outside of the vehicle. Land with your feet together.
  • With your arms still crossed and feet together, hop away from the vehicle (at least 10 metres)
  • Call 911 immediately.

For more information on safely working near power lines, visit saskpower.com/lookupandlive.

Author Alias