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Seeding progress has been delayed across the province with the recent rains

Pulse and Soybean Specialist Dennis Lange puts together the weekly report and says timing of the rain was ideal.

"In the last week, just based on the weather report, rainfall levels were anywhere from four mm all the way up to 37 mm across the province. It has delayed the seeding over the last week. So we haven't moved a whole lot we're sitting at about four per cent complete. "

According to the report producers have begun seeding spring wheat, barley, oats, and corn. The Central region is most advanced with approximately 12 per cent of each of the major cereals planted. Field pea planting is at 11 per cent complete across the province, with the Northwest region most advanced at 25 per cent complete and the Southwest region at seven per cent complete.

Lange says he's heard of a few reports of soybeans being planted (where soil conditions have been suitable) but notes its still a little early for them.

Stats show that seeding progress at four percent for this time of the year is slightly behind the 5-year average of nine percent.

Farmers are noting that weeds such as kochia, volunteer canola & wheat, flixweed, fleabane, foxtail barley, redroot pigweed, lamb’s quarters, thistles, and dandelions are starting to show up.

Lange reminds producers to scout and use burn-off products to control weeds they see and to use Pre-emergent products with residual control.

Manitoba's Weekly Crop Report can be found here.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with Dennis Lange click on the link below.

Audio file