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Corrie Brown at Sylvan Lake Library

The Sylvan Lake Municipal Library is always a busy hub for residents and the month of May will be packed with things to do for everyone.

One of these events is made for seniors. Corrie Brown from the library talks about "Seniors Art Attack"

"They (seniors) get to try out some new art styles and mediums that maybe they haven't had a chance to before. It's just a great way to socialize with fellow seniors and have fun doing it. Coming up in May, we are doing  melted crayon art. You can make your own unique canvas and do something that you might have been afraid to try."

Another event at the library on Thursday, May 16th is Family Movie Night. Brown says it's another way to meet people.

"We have a lot of families moving to Sylvan Lake who may not know people. Family Movie Night is a great way for families to get together, and also meet new families who have just moved to the area." 

Family Movie is free, snacks are provided, and the movie shown will be Treasure Planet.

For more information on upcoming events, click here.
