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2024 May 14 – 2024 May 15
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 61

0800 hours – Break & Enter– Sometime overnight construction trailer entered, multiple tools stolen. Police continue to investigate.

0904 hours – Vehicle Seizure – Vehicle being operated by an individual whom does not currently have a drivers licence. Vehicle seized for 30 days, ticket issued.

1103 hours – Well Being Check – Subject located, transported to the hospital and left in their care.

1116 hours – Well Being Check – Subject located, safety plan put into place. Police to assist with arrangements later in day.

1153 hours – Assault – Subject warned for an assault on another person known to them as per their wishes. Family member of subject also advised.

1217 hours – Fraud – Subject purchased laptop in Regina via Facebook marketplace. Subject unable to access laptop, Police file number provided.

1234 hours – Theft from Vehicle – Occurred Sunday, May 12, in afternoon. Unlocked vehicle entered, wallet and various other items taken. Still under investigation to obtain list of stolen items and to check for video in area.

1337 hours – Dispute – Two persons unknown to complainant spreading mis-information about complainant. Subjects warned for their actions.

1430 hours – Fraud – Over last two months bank card used to make fraudulent purchases of alcohol at several different locations in Moose Jaw. Complainant provided file number for bank.

1436 hours – Fraud – Complainant sent deposit for rental property found on Facebook marketplace, now receiving no further communication. Complainant provided file number for bank.

1519 hours – Lost Property – Wallet lost while at a local business. Reported for informational purposes.

1532 hours – Hit & Run – Occurred sometime May 10 or 11, vehicle side swiped by another vehicle causing approximately $1000 damage.

1611 hours – Well Being Check – Subject located, transported to hospital by EMS and left in their care.

1644 hours – Impaired Driving – Vehicle description and plate number provided for vehicle driven by an intoxicated person. Subject seen stumbling into vehicle, almost hit building and another vehicle. Police located vehicle with occupant inside. Driver failed roadside demand, providing samples of breath at Police Station which resulted in readings of 190mg%/100mL of blood. Subject charged for Impaired Driving, Exceed .08, vehicle seized, subject released for Court at a later date.

1831 hours – Cause Disturbance – Intoxicated subject yelling and swearing at neighbours. Subject located, charged for causing a disturbance and public intoxication, held in Police custody until sober.

2013 hours – Dispute – Verbal dispute between two parties. Arrangements made for one party to go stay elsewhere for the night.

2048 hours – Break & Enter – Subject in residence with no permission to be there. Subject located inside, charged Break, Enter and Commit Theft, Breach of Court Order. Subject held in Police custody to appear in Court on 2024 May 15.

2112 hours – Erratic Driving – Plate number and vehicle description obtained for vehicle that swerved into other lane of traffic. Police to follow up with registered owner of vehicle.

2130 hours – Mischief – Subject at residence and not welcome there. Subject smashed window prior to leaving causing approximately $500 damage. Subject to be charged for Mischief and Breach of Court Order.

2137 hours – Fraud – Complainant fell victim to scam, sending money through Bitcoin machine. Complainant advised to cease contact; file number provided.

2142 hours – Breach Court Order – Subject attended to the Police Station alleging they are breaching their Court Ordered conditions, refusing to abide by further conditions in place. Subject arrested, held in Police custody to appear in Court on 2024 May 15.

0350 hours – Intoxicated Person – Guest at local business intoxicated, causing disturbance in hallway. Subject located, arrested for being drunk in public and held in Police custody until sober.

Business Check – 2
Assist another agency- 4
911- 1
Warrant Executed – 3
Fail to Appear in Court (Warrants Issued) – 7
