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QEII hospital/TV

As a result of an increase in COVID-19 patients requiring hospitalization at the QEII, AHS has made the decision to transfer up to nine patients to neighbouring AHS healthcare centres. This measure enables the QEII to have additional acute care beds spaces to provide care for COVID-19 patients requiring hospitalization.

Rising COVID-19 case numbers in the Grande Prairie area, and throughout the North Zone, are having an impact on capacity at the Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) Hospital.

This decision was not taken lightly, however it is important to ensure the QEII has capacity available for COVID-19 patients who require care.

Throughout the pandemic, AHS has continued to closely monitor and manage hospitalization and ICU numbers, and has quickly responded to changes in patient demand. Ensuring AHS has the capacity to provide safe, high quality patient care has been a priority since the pandemic began.

When patients require transfer, AHS includes patients and their alternate decision-makers (ADM) from the earliest opportunity in the transfer process. This provides the patient/ADM, their family and the care team with the information needed to assist with the transfer.

We recognize transitions in care can be challenging. While at times difficult, all decisions concerning the care and treatment of patients are made in the best interests of all patients, in consultation with family, the patient’s physician, the care team, and AHS ethics advisors as appropriate.

When it is safe and appropriate to do so, AHS will work to transfer these patients back to the QEII.

We would like to thank all patients and their families for their support and understanding during this time, and we are thankful for the support of surrounding healthcare centres and medical staff.

We strongly urge all eligible Albertans to get immunized as quickly as possible, and to continue following preventative measures such as staying home when sick. The Queen Elizabeth II Hospital remains a safe place to receive care – there is no increased risk to patients coming to the hospital. Any patient with symptoms, or who has tested positive for COVID-19, is isolated and treated in designated rooms.

Residents are reminded to call Health Link at 811, which is available 24/7 for non-emergency health-related questions.

Information provided by Alberta Health Services
