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Along with public measures, protocols are in place with school boards with respect to how to respond to someone that is a case and in an outbreak situation.

The true sign of summer's end is here as today marks the first day of school for students, teachers, school staff, and parents.

Students will be returning to the classroom this school year after mixing between online and in-class learning last year. 

The Medical Officer of Health of the Northwestern Health Unit Dr. Kit Young Hoon spoke on what kids and teachers can expect to return to school.

"We are working with school boards and schools to ensure public health measures are implemented in the school environment,” said Young Hoon

“That includes masking, the physical distancing, cleaning protocols, the screening that is required, and making sure staff are protected with appropriate personal protective equipment,” added Young Hoon

Grade 1 to 12 students are required to wear a mask or face covering in schools and on school transportation. Kindergarten students are not required to wear masks or face coverings but are encouraged. School staff and transportation staff must wear masks.

Hand hygiene will still be implemented and extra time will be given for students to wash their hands, with specific points of entry and exits to avoid large groups in a single area.

Along with public health measures, protocols are in place with school boards with respect to how to respond to someone that is a case and in an outbreak situation.

Young Hoon is confident about this year's return to school.

“I think we are looking forward to the start of back to school. Schools, of course, have significant health benefits for students with respect to physical activity, healthy eating, and mental well-being. Overall I think we are heading into the start of school in a fairly good space because our case numbers are very low,” says Young Hoon

Students finished off the previous school year learning virtually.
