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Levi Speir, President of the Herbert Stampede Association, and his team are busy getting ready for this year’s rodeo!  

“While we’re still a couple months away from rodeo time, the excitement is already in full force,” he says. 

“Our rodeo is the staple of our community. It’s something everyone looks forward to each year – everyone’s rooting for the bulls, rooting for the riders, and ready to enjoy a good show.”  

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And the show this year is set up to be nothing short of extraordinary. As always, there’ll be lots going on to keep you busy.  

“Rodeo shows will take place Friday at 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. But we’ll also have the big food booth put on by the Herbert Rec Sports Complex. Our double-decker beer gardens and our saloon. And then Friday and Saturday night, we’ll have the dance with The Country Band performing.”  

But that’s not all. 

“We’re getting our stock contractors back from previous years,” says Speir. “Ward Macza with White Line Rodeo is returning – he’s world-renowned for his bucking horses and bulls. We also have Dave Poulsen as our radio announcer this year. He’s a six-time CFR announcer, 6-time PBR Canada Finals announcer, and he’s done 30-plus years with the Calgary Stampede.”  

On top of these incredible personalities joining the show, Speir is also excited to welcome Reita Creek Scoreboards, who will be bringing camera crews and providing a live video feed with instant replay. 

“We couldn’t make any of this happen without help, though,” says Speir. “We have a great crew, a great committee, tons of volunteers, and, of course, great sponsors. So, thank you to everyone who helps make this work every year.”  

Although the Herbert Stampede is a hugely popular and successful event today, it came from humble beginnings.  

“It started way back on my grandpa’s farm,” says Speir. “Shortly after, it moved to the Elm Grove Rodeo grounds across the road. Then, in 1987, it found its home in the town of Herbert. And for 37 years now, we’ve been having a great rodeo.” 

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And, in the last 10 years, they’ve also added the double-decker beer garden and the sheltered grandstands. The grandstands have been a phenomenal addition to the community, hosting the 4H Club, weddings, the Herbert Ranch Rodeo, and more. 

“We couldn’t be more proud of our facility,” says Speir. 

This year, the Herbert Stampede is on August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Tickets are available on location – $15/day for adults, and $10 for students. Family day passes and weekend passes are available too. 

If you’d like to participate in the rodeo, there’s still time to join! Participants must be CCA carded members. You can also enter locally through the CCA or the Herbert Stampede Rodeo Secretary. All information is posted on the Canadian Cowboys Association website. 

For more details on the incredible Herbert Stampede lineup, or to get tickets, check out their website.

Author Alias