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File photo. Finding a path forward for the STF includes consulting with teachers in the province on the prospect of agreeing to a process of binding arbitration.

In a recent release, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation says they're currently engaged in a member consultation process regarding the use of binding arbitration to reach a new provincial collective bargaining agreement.

The consultation with teachers is focusing on two possible paths forward, one of which involves the use of binding arbitration to resolve two outstanding issues: class complexity-accountability framework and teachers’ wages.

Additional information will not be available while the member consultation process takes place.

The Teachers’ Bargaining Committee will share the future direction of collective bargaining with a news release and media availability on Friday afternoon. 

The STF shared some additional info on the use of binding arbitration.

• In March, the TBC proposed binding arbitration on the single issue of class size and complexity. That offer was rejected by the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee.

• On June 5, when a bargaining impasse was declared, the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee offered binding arbitration on the issues of wages and the accountability framework. The TBC rejected that proposal, as it did not include class complexity.

• On June 8, the GTBC’s offer was revised to include class complexity-accountability framework as well as wages. This aligns with the TBC’s position that class complexity must be included if binding arbitration is to be considered.

Author Alias