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Jean Backman (submitted photo)

Search and rescue teams combed the woods again last weekend with hopes of finding a missing senior from the Rural Municipality of Piney.

According to RCMP, 70-year-old Jean Backman last made contact with a friend on October 15th. Four days later, Sprague RCMP received a request to check on her wellbeing. Officers attended and searched her property and residence but were unable to locate her. Here we are, eight months later, and Backman is still missing. 

Corporal Julie Courchaine with Manitoba RCMP says on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of last weekend, their search and rescue team, along with several trained volunteer teams from across Manitoba made a return trip to her area of residence.

"They spent three days searching," she says. "Just going over all the terrain that they had previously searched back in October of 2023, when Jean first went missing, just to see if they missed anything."

Courchaine says unfortunately they found nothing new. 

Last weekend's group included a handful of team members from RCMP Search and Rescue, the Office of the Fire Commissioner, and many other volunteer teams. Those volunteers included teams from Winnipeg Search and Rescue, Pembina Triangle, Eastman, Boyne River Mutual Aid District, Springfield, and East Selkirk. 

"With all those resources, each day we were able to have over 30 trained searchers in the field," says Courchaine. 

She notes the teams also used a drone to assist with the search. According to Courchaine, the terrain was significantly wetter than when crews first searched in October.

"There were a lot of challenges with the bugs and the terrain this time," she says. "But they were able to do a thorough search and unfortunately weren't able to find any new evidence or anything."

Courchaine refers to it as an extensive search, with crews able to cover a lot of terrain. 

"They were very happy to be able to cover that, just not happy with the outcome, that there was nothing new," she adds. 

Not only did search teams find no new evidence last weekend, but Courchaine says there have been no new leads in months. 

"It's one of those files that you keep going back thinking we're going to get something or find something or get some information," says Courchaine. "But we're still working at it and just hoping that at some point something comes in or we see something, or some information comes to light that can help us find answers for the family."

In the meantime, Courchaine asks residents and motorists in the area to be aware.

"You are our eyes and ears out there," she says. "If you see something suspicious, see a vehicle, see anything, just report it and that way we can follow up."

Courchaine says often it is those tips from the public that help solve these mysteries. 

"We really want to always reach out to our community members because they know the area the best, they are from that community, they know what seems off and what doesn't," she says. "If you can just call in if you see anything."

"We deeply appreciate the continued efforts of the RCMP and all involved in the search for my mother," says Jean Backman's daughter Vanessa. "These past months have been incredibly challenging. Every day is a mix of hope and fear. We're holding onto hope and staying resilient in the search for my mother. I am thankful for all the support extended by friends, family, and strangers alike."

Vanessa has said that the wellness check in October was prompted by a friend who was expecting to see Jean on the day it is believed she went missing. Vanessa says after several days had passed and her mother had still not made contact with this friend, a call was made to RCMP requesting the wellness check. 

Vanessa describes her mother as someone who does not have an active social calendar, noting trips to the mailbox and grocery store are pretty much the extent of her regular outings. If Jean leaves the RM of Piney or travels to Winnipeg, Vanessa says she will typically make plans to see family or friends. Vanessa says her mother lives a very routine life. 

Vanessa asks people in the area who go to their cabins, drive on logging roads, explore the forest and trails, or fish on nearby waters, to be on the lookout for a clue or piece of evidence that could help find her mother. 

"I ask everyone to keep an eye out for any signs or information that could help in locating my mother," says Vanessa. "Any assistance or leads from the community are invaluable in our search efforts."

If you have any information on her whereabouts, please call Sprague RCMP at 204-437-2041, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477 or submit a secure tip online at www.manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Author Alias