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Athletes In Action camps (supplied)
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From elementary ages through high school, Athletes In Action offers a variety of sports camps centred on faith in Jesus. (Supplied)

“When we host a sports camp, you can't tell who comes from an affluent neighborhood, or who's been in Canada the longest. All those differences just fall away, and a sense of camaraderie builds very quickly.”

This from Steve Klassen, Regional Director of Athletes in Action’s Youth Initiatives.

“Sports have an incredible way of breaking down barriers,” shares Klassen. “I've played against adversaries over the years, guys that I despised while playing against them. But when we found ourselves playing on the same teams later in life, they ended up becoming some of my dearest friends.”

This summer, Athletes in Action invites parents to register their children for soccer, basketball, and volleyball camps across Southern Manitoba.

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“Many of our coaches are university athletes so they play at the very highest level. They also really just love to coach, and they love to get in there with kids who've never played before,” reveals Klassen. “And because kids are excited to get to play with these high-level athletes, it provides us an opportunity to be able to be authentically who we are to both the churched and the unchurched.”

There's a crucial point each day, after a challenging conditioning drill where the exhausted kids just sit with their water bottles and snacks and listen to the coaches.

Over the course of the week, each coach will have a chance to share their own story.

“Usually it's some epic fail that's happened in their life or a tragedy that's occurred. Then having the benefit of retrospect, they're able to speak into what they've learned, how they've been able to find victory even through immense challenges, and maybe even how it's shaped them as a person and Christ follower.”

From there, Klassen says the kids meet in smaller groups and open up in conversation.

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“Everyone, regardless of age, has challenging times in their lives,” says Klassen. “But often those things aren't talked about in normal circles. A coach's willingness to get vulnerable and share something real about themselves provides an incredible platform -- it's like magic. Suddenly the kids feel safe to share more openly about their lives, and ask life's big questions that really weigh on them, and we're able to talk those things through in that environment.”

Up until recently, Athletes in Action has relied on government funding, but that funding has been cut. Klassen says they do their best to stretch every dollar, but in having lost funding from the government, the ministry is still moving forward in faith.

“We are not-for-profit,” points out Klassen. “We're not worried about making a profit. All we need to do is break even. If our camps are full, then we will have enough money to run our programs.”

Athletes in Action is hosting soccer, basketball, and volleyball camps in Steinbach, Niverville, Morris, Winkler, Morden, and North and South Winnipeg. Each camp runs Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and costs $199, tax-free.

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Steve Klassen says Athletes In Action camps provide the perfect mix of play, skill building, and faith.

“It's very good value for the amount of playtime and training the kids get,” says Klassen. “They're going to have a fantastic experience, and you're making a real difference in the community by having your kids at our sports camps -- those registration dollars give us the resources needed to do what we do.” To sign up, visit www.athletesinaction.ca or call or text Klassen directly at 204-474-1718.

To further support Athletes in Action, Klassen suggests prayer.

“We're always looking for prayer. Prayer that we have the resources we need, for the wisdom to manage those resources well, and that we’ll have our hearts in the correct posture to minister well to the kids we're called to serve this summer. And also prayer for the kids, that their hearts would be ready to hear what we have to say as we talk about big, important questions, and learn about what Jesus had to say about those things.”

Klassen adds that if your heart is moved towards supporting Athletes in Action financially, you’re invited to make a tax-deductible charitable donation.

“There are several ways that your donation can be directed,” reflects Klassen. “So if that's something that God is placing on your heart, then please reach out to me. Call me on my cell phone at 204-474-1718” or email me at stephenk@athletesinaction.ca"

Author Alias