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Partners common area
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A common meeting space at the new Partners Family Services facilities awaits staff and clients.

Partners Family Services in Humboldt has made the move to its new location at the former SLGA location on Main Street. The expansive facility has been redesigned inside with an airy open feel, plenty of crush space for gatherings, numerous offices and administrative spaces, and inviting counselling areas for clients.  

With the addition of Integrated Youth Services in Humboldt, the move was critical to support the array of programming already established. Now the move to expanded quarters allows for innovative services such as in-house medical support and personnel. 

The entrance opens to a clear and attractive reception area and the open crush space which will be put into service for community seminars and presentations. Partners can host such meetings on site for the first time. The entrance will also have a bank of computers to connect clients with key online services 

An adjacent community service room serves as a board room style area, soon to be equipped with a smart board, that provides multiple functions.  

“We wanted to build out a space where people could come to meet,” said Partners Executive Director Hayley Kennedy during Discover Humboldt’s tour of the facility. “Whether it’s professional services needing to meet in a case conference or someone looking to meet with a service provider in a more neutral space, it just brings all the pieces together.” 

An entire wing is dedicated to youth supports as part of Integrated Youth Services. That program was announced by the provincial government early in the year with three centres being named in the initial rollout, Humboldt among them. We’ll explore the dedicated Integrated Youth Space and programs in our upcoming feature.  

Partners Family Services will continue to offer its wide range of counselling and mental health services from the south part of the complex. Those offices, cleverly designed with roll gate barn style doors, will house the staff and admin personnel. A well-appointed meeting space sits outside in a common area. 

The Partners wing provides ample counselling space with beautifully furnished and comfortable meeting spaces. The original idea was to have youth services and Partners housed in two different buildings, one of them the former Partners space. That just didn’t make sense, said Kennedy. 

“We didn’t want to say, ‘the person you want is in integrated services a block down the road,’ and we didn’t want to pay two leases. Ultimately, we don’t want to put any money into our overhead if it takes away from our direct client service delivery. So, we decided to bring everybody over here by building.” 

The expanded facility provides a truly innovative experience in providing a one stop approach to mental health, wellness and social support delivery. 

“Us pulling together into the new location allowed all our staff to be under one roof. It gives us sufficient space for all our administrative staff, our clinical staff, our management and our management team. While the vast majority of our work is out in communities and homes, it allows us a better space where we can bring people in to meet our growing demands.” 

Stay tuned for an in-depth look at the new Integrated Youth Services offered through Partners and associated agencies.  
