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Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 June 29 – 2024 June 30
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 41

0923 Hours – Well Being Check – Subject spoken with, and all is well.

1103 Hours – Dispute – Still under investigation to speak with involved parties.

1122 Hours – Breach of Recognizance – Subject to be charged with Breach.

1443 Hours – MVA Over – Two vehicle accident, two tows, minor injuries.

1955 Hours – Found Drugs Turned In – Seized for exhibits.

2029 Hours – Theft Under – Still under investigation to ban subject from the premise.

2207 Hours – Driving Erratic – Situation mediated, both parties warned.

2206 Hours – Insecurity – Nothing was stolen, door was secured.

2221 Hours – Disturbance – Multiple subjects were warned for their actions.

0023 Hours – Loud Party – Situation mediated; subjects were moved.

0220 Hours – Mischief – Bus stop sign that was removed was located and returned to its place.

0236 Hours – Assault – Still under investigation.

0241 Hours – Intoxicated Person – Subject arrested for Public Intoxication and will be released when sober.

0500 Hours – Disturbance – Subject warned under the bylaw.

Warrants Executed – 2
Well Being Checks – 2
Foot Patrol – 1

911 Calls – 6
