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Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 July 4– 2024 July 5

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 57

0701 hours. Parking Bylaw. Registered Owner moved their Vehicle upon request.

0817 hours. Dispute. Still under investigation.

0911 hours. Theft. Vehicle entered with various items stolen, Still under investigation.

0930 hours. Hit and Run. Vehicle hit with approximately $3,000 damage, still under investigation.

0940 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject taken to hospital by EMS and left in their care.

1041 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. Advice given with information exchange

1302 hours. Mischief. Still under investigation to speak with the complainant.

1316 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. Information exchanged between all parties.

1402 hours. Well Being Check. Subject taken to the hospital and left in the care of staff.

1454 hours. Fraud. Complainant out approximately $700.

1543 hours. Dispute. Advice provided to both parties.

1621 hours. Theft. Complainant’s Laptop was stolen from vehicle, still under investigation.

1718 hours. Lost Property. Reported lost wallet.

1934 hours. Erratic Driver. Still under investigation to speak with the registered owner

1949 hours. Dispute. Advice provided and both parties separated for the night.

2010 hours. Theft. Phone stolen out of the complainant’s vehicle. Still under investigation to check for cameras

2107 hours. Erratic Driver. Driver warned of their actions.

2135 hours. Theft of Gas. Approximately $20 stolen.

0041 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject sent on their way.

0042 hours. Trespass. Subject given a ticket and advised they were not welcomed back.

0213 hours. Well Being Check. Subject located and turned over to family.

0228 hours. Unwanted Guest. Situation Mediated.

Well Being Checks-5

Dispute- 4

Assist other Agency – 2

911 Calls – 5
