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Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 7 – 2024 July 8
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 110

0740 Hours – Insecurity- Door was left open, house is clear, locked the door.

0813 Hours – Trespass- Subject was issued a ticket.

0940 Hours – Dispute- Ongoing dispute, both parties spoken too.

1009 Hours – Mischief- Complainant will come to the station to talk to officer.

1041 Hours – Found Bike – Bike was exhibited.

1307 Hours – Theft- Tools stolen, worth approximately $1000.

1340 Hours – Assault- Still under investigation.

1635 Hours – Barking Dog- Issued a dog barking ticket.

1715 Hours – Dispute- Situation was mediated.

1618 Hours – Dangerous Dog- Still under investigation.

1701 Hours – Assist Locate- Stil under investigation.

1739 Hours – Theft- Still Under Investigation.

2133 Hours – Harassing Calls- Still under investigation to warn of criminal harassment.

2319 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence- Form H executed, subject going to court.

2116 Hours- Noise Bylaw- Subject was spoken to about noise bylaw.

911 -4

Warrant Executle – 2
Assist other Agency – 3
ASD – 1
