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The Brick is a familiar brand. But just like any business, it’s owned and operated by real people who live and work here too. This holds true with The Brick in Estevan.

Amarjit Bajwa is owner and operator of The Brick in Estevan, having moved here from Calgary in 2022.

“From the chaos of Calgary, I love being in Estevan where everything runs smooth, and you have more time to do what you love.”

These days, you can purchase furniture online but only be half-satisfied. The experience walking into The Brick in Estevan, is entirely different. You’ll see their large selection of electronics, sofas, beds, and walk right up to them and try them out.

“We try to make it a pleasant experience in our store. There are always in-store promotions here at The Brick in Estevan, and those deals are probably not available online. Customers save a little bit more when they come into the store.”

They can also benefit from the expertise of the salespeople on the floor. These are people who have been working here for seven or eight years so they’re able to help customers figure out their needs and get them the right product.

“We ask a lot of questions, so we can give the best information possible. We ask, what colour is your wall? What colour is the floor where you're putting this? Are kids going to be using this? Then based off those answers, we suggest the best product we possibly can, so they’re happy over a longer period of time.”

“It's an investment. We want to make sure you love it.”

The sales representatives at The Brick take regular training to ensure they understand the features and benefits of the products in their store, so that when they make a recommendation, it's the best one for each customer’s unique situation.

“We take our training seriously, and we do train very, very often. Let's say somebody comes in to buy a mattress. They probably bought their last mattress 10 or 15 years ago. A lot has changed in that time. So we like to give them updated information on new product technology, materials, and innovations. They tend to appreciate that.”

While it’s widely known that The Brick is a destination for purchasing furniture, mattresses, appliances, and electronics, a lesser-known fact is that The Brick frequently helps out within the community itself.

“We support local charities,” reveals Amarjit. “We also support the Children's Medical Network. It's very, very close to my heart. One of the reasons is my little sister. When she was born, she was in the Calgary Children's Hospital for about two and a half months. I remember being there and the way they took care of those little kids was amazing to see. So it's a big part of my life to be involved in the Children's Miracle Network.”

Amarjit highlights The Brick’s Teddy Bear Toss at Estevan Bruins games.

“We donate all the funds collected from people who buy Brickley Bears, we give all that to the Children's Hospital in Saskatoon,” says Amarjit. “A lot of times when a child goes into the hospital, they’re scared, and a lot of times nurses will give those children our Brickley Bear, and it comforts them. I’ve seen that personally, and it's a great joy for me.”

The Brick may be a big chain, but here in Estevan, it’s rooted in community.

“Anyone that walks through our doors looking for a charitable donation, we always tend to help them. It could be as small as a pillow or as big as a sofa. Whatever we can do to help in the community.”

Amarjit says the level of community involvement in Estevan is tremendous.

“It's all about being one big community. And I do find that the people of Estevan love being a big community.”

Author Alias