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Oranges, cherries, and peaches – oh my! 

Okay, maybe a bit cliché? Old news? 

But fresh fruit and local produce… that never gets old. 

Summer fruit season is here, which means it’s time to stock up on the best of the best in town… Skyline Fruits by Uncle Eric. 

Skyline Fruits, formerly Western Fruit Truck, has been operating in Swift Current for 37 seasons now, currently owned by Eric Lautsch. This is his third season as the owner, and he’s proud to be carrying on the Fruit Stand’s legacy: 

“It’s always been local, family-owned in Swift Current,” he says, “And I took over from my high-school best friend.” 

Part of the legacy is also making sure his products are of the best quality possible. 

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“We get our fruit from where it grows best and tastes best,” he says. “So stone fruit like cherries, peaches, and nectarines will always come from the Okanagan. Citrus comes from California.” 

And, if you ask Eric about any item on his table, “I know exactly where every fruit comes from, down to the orchard names.” 

People take comfort in knowing where their food comes from, and you can trust everything is carefully sourced at Skyline Fruits. He adds, “I've been in grocery stores where they advertise products of Canada, and then you pick up the bag and it clearly says product of USA.” 

Plus, every item is hand-sorted to ensure you’re getting the best quality product. And, nothing goes to waste: “Anything that is subpar or just getting too old comes home with us, goes to our family to share, or we make preserves that give them a second life.” 

Eric also strives to keep things affordable: “We do try and price competitively,” he says. “As an example, my oranges are $1.70 a pound. Apples range from $2.00 to $2.50 a pound, whereas stores sell them for $3.00 to $4.00 a pound. Coming from a family of 7, I know how important it is to provide quality food at an affordable cost.” 

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In addition to west-coast fruits, Eric also partners with local businesses to supply honey, vegetables, and canned goods. 

“We've been partnering with Prairie Field Honey for many years, so we have a good selection of their product,” he says. “The canned goods, my mom and I have named those Second Treats. And I work with a few Hutterite colonies to get fresh produce as well.” 

After 37 years in the community, Eric is grateful for the continued support and does what he can to give back. One of his biggest efforts has been working with the SaskAbilities Partners in Employment program to staff the truck in the summer, as well as working with their friends and families. 

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As the season kicks off, Eric is looking forward to connecting with the community again, as well as those who are travelling through the city: “I love hearing stories from people travelling, and it’s always good to see their smiling faces every day,” he says. 

Skyline Fruits by Uncle Eric is open from June to September, Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm by the Canadian Tire Gas Bar, and Saturdays at Market Square. 

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Summer is only here for so long, so get your fill while you can! 

Author Alias