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50/50 For Kids is winding down and Jenna Novecosky, President of the Muenster Cooperative Child Care Center joined Morning Show Host Sarah Miller to discuss their 50/50 for Kids fundraiser. The early bird draw for the fundraiser is set for July 10th, with the lucky winner receiving a $150.00 gift certificate from the Muenster Co-op. 

Novecosky shared details on what the funds are earmarked for. 

"We are going to use the funds to hopefully break ground. Obviously, when it comes to big projects like this, it costs a lot, and all of this is going to help out to start from ground zero," 

Tickets for the 50/50 draw are available until July 13th and can be purchased at the Muenster Co-op and Hotel Muenster. Additionally, the final on-location ticket sale will be held on July 12th at Eastside Liquidation, where a special BBQ event is planned. 

 "Eastside has graciously offered for us to do a BBQ during our on-location, and Muenster Co-op has reached out to all their suppliers to have all the burgers, buns, pop, and chips donated. All profits will go towards the Muenster daycare,"  

Those who buy a 50/50 ticket at the BBQ will also be entered into a draw to win a patio heater donated by Eastside Liquidation. 

Looking ahead, Novecosky mentioned that the daycare has more events in the pipeline. 

 "Once we get funding of any increment, we can finish paying off bills and move forward. We do have some exciting events coming up. We're just getting some confirmations and then we are going to start making posters and advertise,"  

On behalf of the Muenster Cooperative Childcare Center Board, Novecosky expressed gratitude to the community and local businesses.  

"I would just like to say thank you to everyone that has purchased tickets, those who are going to purchase tickets, and all the businesses that are doing on-locations and have worked hard with us to get donations and make this a possibility." 

The Muenster Cooperative Child Care Center encourages everyone to participate in the 50/50 for Kids fundraiser and support the growth and development of local childcare services. More details can be found here. 

