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GWF029 is currently classified as out of control at 90 hectares. It is located approximately 13 kilometer northwest of Valhalla. This fire is moving east, driven by strong winds, and is showing extreme fire behaviour. County of Grande Prairie and Alberta
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Photo Courtesy: Alberta Wildfire

The communities of John D'Or Prairie, Fox Creek, and Garden River have all been evacuated due to wildfires in the area.

At this time, RCMP is advising that Highway 58 is now closed at the Beaver Ranch turn off.

Fox Lake and John D'or Prairie residents are asked to leave their respective communities and register at the Travel Center at 12 mile. Supports will be made at the Travel Center for accommodations. Bring all important documents and medication. More information will be posted on the Nation Facebook page, or visit https://www.alberta.ca

This is currently the largest wildfire in the complex and is more than 90,000 ha in size.

It is located 8 km northeast of Jon D'or Prairie, 4.2 km north of Fox Lake, 13 km northwest of Garden River and 2.2 km from Highway 58. It was caused by lightning.

Please avoid the area and allow First Responders to do their jobs safely.

A FIRE BAN remains in effect for the High Level River Area.

The forest area may experience heavy smoke over communities at times. If you see smoke or flame in the forest and suspect it's a wildfire, please call 310-FIRE (3473) immediately.

Information provided by the Government of Alberta
