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council july 22 2024
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Humboldt City Council meeting on July 22.

At Monday night’s Humboldt City Council meeting, Council proceeded with second and third readings on a pair of rezoning bylaws that would allow for residential development in a pair of city properties.  

Land parcels designated CC and DD are in the southeast corner of the city on the east side of 101st Street. The parcels in question are currently zoned for single dwelling residential acreages. The change would now allow for smaller single residential lots or the development of two-unit townhouse style dwellings or multi-family dwellings in the form of townhouses. The zoning shift is to meet the demand for Humboldt’s growing demand for residential properties. Apartment buildings or other such residential developments could be considered under discretionary use provisions.  

The parcels are currently served by two service connections. City administration is hoping to see future developments utilize only those two service connections to minimize additional infrastructure work on the street. One email statement was received which criticized the rezoning.  

The first reading took place at the council meeting in June. The second and third readings were adopted, resulting in the bylaw's passage.  

The other zoning shift involved property just to the east side of Caleb Village on Ogilvie Ave to allow for the development of a multi-unit apartment style residence. The portion of Glen Hall Park would be zoned for the needed dwelling with the provision that the City provide alternative green space equal to what is given up or a sum of cash in lieu.  

City staff indicated that the move would not impact the sporting features of the park, including the football field. The parcel in question is currently a gravel parking lot.  

As with the previous rezoning bylaw, Council had given first reading at its previous meeting, and second and third readings were heard. Additional processes are being undertaken by the City to make the parcels ready for development.
