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Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 22 – 2024 July 23
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 54

0907 Hours – Unwanted guest. Subject was issued a trespass ticket and sent on their way.

0958 Hours – Dispute- Both parties separated and warned.

1007 Hours – Parking Bylaw- Vehicle was over parked, tires where marked.

1026 Hours – Theft- Phone was stolen, still under investigation to identify.

1109 Hours – Mischief- On 100 Blook of Ominica Street West vehicles had cheese slices rubbed on them, reported for information.

1116 Hours – Trespass- Subject was located and issued a ticket for trespass.

1120 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence- Advice was given.

1128 Hours – Theft of cell phone. Still under investigation.

1223 Hours – Dispute- Disagreement between family, situation mediated.

1348 Hours – Assault- Under investigation to identify subject, and possible charges.

1356 Hours – Dangerous Driving- Subject was warned for their driving actions.

1421 Hours – Dispute- Before advice could be given to the complainant they hung up.

1429 Hours – Found Property- Exhibited till the owner can be contacted and pick up item.

1450 Hours – Dispute- Two people were heard arguing on the 300 block Ominica Street East, subjects where separated.

1501 Hours – Theft Under- Wallet was stolen from vehicle on the 300 block Caribou Street East, advice was given to lock all credit and debt cards, and to report it stolen with the bank.

1531 Hours – Erratic Driving- Advice was given of the speeding bylaw.

1537 Hours – Found Property- Bike found on the 1000 Block Caribou Street East, bike was dropped of at station. Commissionaires to follow up with the owner.

1538 Hours- Recovered Stolen Property- Owners to be notified to pick up property.

1541 Hours- Fraud- Reported for Information- No money lost; Advice was given.

1601 Hours- Suspicious Person- Subject was located on City bus, due to not paying fair was asked to remove themself without incident.

1637 Hours- Threats- Subject was located and banned form business.

1655 Hours- Theft- Theft from unlocked vehicle happened on the 300 Block River Park Drive, still under investigation to find video.

1720 Hours- Shoplifting- Under investigation to get approximate value of items taken and identify the suspect in video.

1729 Hours- Dangerous Driving- Bolo supplied to officers as well as RCMP to track down vehicle, Registered owner to be contacted regarding the driving actions.

1736 Hours- Hit and Run- In the parking Lot of Canadian Tire a vehicle was hit, causing roughly $5000 damages, Video to be examined for suspect.

1812 Hours- Parking Bylaw- Construction Equipment was left in the way of vehicles, Registered owner was contacted to have it moved.

1815 Hours- Bike Theft- No serial number provided, reported for information.

1842 Hours- Dispute- Children were fighting in a park, all involved where warned for their actions.

1849 Hours- Suspicious Person- Subject was located and arrested for public intoxication.

1852 Hours- Dispute- Advice was given to contact Housing management and put in complaint as it is a civil dispute.

1915 Hours- Threats- Under investigation for possible peace bond.

1931 Hours- Dispute- Advised to come to station to provide statement.

2039 Hours- Unwanted guest- Subject was located and banned from local business.

2049 Hours- Suspicious Person- Subject was located and arrested for outstanding warrants, to be released after court.

2102 Hours- Theft- A wallet was stolen from vehicle, cards were used at multiple locations, waiting on video to identify the suspect.

2240 Hours- Dispute- Both parties separated for the night.

2256 Hours- Recovered Stolen Property- Suspect to be charged, and the owner to be contacted and given back belongings.

0053 Hours- Attempted Theft- Vehicle alarms going off on the 1000 block of Stadacona Street West.

0230 Hours- Noise Bylaw- Vehicle alarms going off, when police arrived all was silent.

911 Calls – 2
Well Being Check-5
