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Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 23 – 2024 July 24
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 74

0726 Hours – Suspicious Person- Reported for information, still under investigation.

0754 Hours – Unwanted Guest- Subject had been banned previously and will be given trespass ticket.

0815 Hours – Suspicious Person- Reported for information, subject had left before police arrival.

0911 Hours – Dispute- Advice was provide, civil issue.

0929 Hours – Theft Under- Gas drive off, still under investigation to get video and identify subject.

0939 Hours – Shoplifting- Subject stole $20 item from business, still under investigation to get video and identify subject.

0956 Hours – Dispute- Mediated.

1027 Hours – Hit & Run- Minor collision $1500 damage, under investigation to identify offending vehicle.

1041 Hours – Theft Under- Phone was stolen from a business on the 100 block Hochelaga Street West.

1050 Hours – Theft Under- On the 700 block Thatcher Drive a work vehicle had been entered and some tools have been stolen, under investigation to look at video to identify subject.

1058 Hours – Dispute- Not a criminal matter, advice was given to speak with lawyer.

1118 Hours – Driving under influence- Subject tested positive for THC, 3 Day impound and 3 Day driving suspension.

1232 Hours – Found Drugs- Exhibited for disposal.

1332 Hours – Found Property- Two wallets where located, one was returned to owner, other wallet to be returned to owner when located.

1338 Hours – Assault- Physical altercation between two people on Langdon Cres, still under investigation to identify subject and possible charges.

1340 Hours – Dispute- Situation mediated.

1342 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence- On the 400 block of Langdon Cres. Group of individuals were having a campfire in non- camping area.

1350 Hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was located and left upon request.

1349 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Reported for information, still under investigation for video to identify subject.

1353 Hours- Fire Call- Small Stove fire, fire was put out and homeowner was advised.

1435 Hours- Found Property- Keys were turned in that had been left at local business, exhibited as found property.

1444 Hours- Traffic Obstruction- Broken down vehicle was blocking traffic on the 9th ave bridge, vehicle moved.

1449 Hours- Disturbance- Vehicle has been squealing tires and yelling at people on the 1500 block main street north, reported for information.

1502 Hours- Dispute- Situation mediated, subjects separated for the night.

1515 Hours- Disturbance- Complainant refused advice from officers.

1522 Hours- Well Being Check- Subject was just having a afternoon nap, no safety concerns, sent on there way.

1524 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Items to be exhibited for disposal.

1537 Hours- Dispute- Advice was given how to move forward with having unwanted guest removed.

1606 Hours- Dispute- Situation mediated both parties spoken to.

1618 Hours- Alarm Call- Area searched, no insecurities, false alarm.

1641 Hours- Mischief- Vehicle damaged, still under investigation fir footage.

1708 hours- Disturbance- Complainant door bell being run multiple times, still under investigation for footage.

1937 hours- Hit and Run-Vehicle vs Pedestrian accident, no injuries and both parties spoken to.

2023 hours- Noise Bylaw- Subject advised to keep the music turned down.

2116 hours- Bike Theft- Bike located and returned to owner.

2130 hours- Assist Locate- Subject located and returned home.

2241 hours- Dispute- Family dispute, situation mediated.

2336 hours-Unwanted Guest- Subjects removed from premise and charged.

0007 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject sent on their way

911 Calls – 9
Well Being Check-5
