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The Swift Current Fire Department (SCFD) has some new faces on the squad. Join the rest of the team in officially welcoming them to the community! 

Meet Bailey 

Bailey Habscheid started her firefighting career in high school as a work experience student in Swift Current. “I had a really good experience and really enjoyed the work,” she said, “So I wanted to pursue it full-time.”  

Although it is a challenging job at times, it’s worth the reward of helping the people in the community. “It’s important for people to have a good role model, and someone they can trust in emergency situations.” A large part of that trust, for Bailey, starts right at the station: “We have a strong family relationship at the station. The camaraderie and teamwork keep me strong and inspired.” 

Bailey is looking forward to making Swift Current her permanent home as she builds a long, healthy career. 

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Meet Duncan  

Duncan Jardin has been with the SCFD for about 6 months. Driven by his passion for helping people, Duncan trained at Lakeland College in Vermillion as a firefighter as well as a primary care paramedic. He started here shortly after graduation.  

In his short time here, though, he’s been keeping busy. 

“Being the new guy, we’re kind of like a generalized firefighter,” he said. “We kind of do everything – cleaning, daily tasks, emergency response of course, and a lot of training.”  

One of the biggest challenges for Duncan is learning to stay positive. “You need to stay vigilant and be very strong-willed,” he said. “There can be a lot of stressful situations where you’re put under pressure, but I’m grateful for the support offered by everyone at the hall.” 

The most rewarding part for Duncan is the opportunities for community involvement.  “We do a lot of school presentations. I especially enjoy teaching the kids about fire safety, and bike safety – it’s really cool to see how much they enjoy learning with us.”  

Duncan is looking forward to his future with the SCFD and is eager to continue learning everything he possibly can. 

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Meet Tanner 

Tanner McKechnie has always had a passion for teamwork and community, so firefighting seemed like a natural fit for him. “When looking into the career, and talking to other firefighters, I was inspired by their passion. I knew this was something I’d enjoy doing for the rest of my life,” he said. 

Tanner is already thriving in his career and looks forward to what each day might bring. “There’s something new every day for the most part, always something to keep you engaged. You have to be at the top of your game.”  

While being a firefighter means you have to prepare for the worst, the biggest reward is being there to help. “All your training and hard work comes together to help you make a difference in someone’s life. Even though you might see people on their worst day, you get to be there to help them through that,” said Tanner. 

Although Tanner still has a lot to learn, he’s committed to every second of it. He said, “I look at the leaders in the department today and I want to be like them one day. Until then, I’ll be trying to improve and be the best version of me I can be.” 

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Tanner (far right) is a part of Platoon D.
Author Alias