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Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 Aug. 5 – 2024 Aug. 6
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 43

0742 Hour – Unwanted Guest – Subject issued a ticket for Trespassing.

0933 Hours – Unwanted Guest – Situation mediated.

1009 Hours – Mischief – Front door window broken, but no entry gained.

1158 Hours – Theft of Auto – Still under investigation.

1309 Hours – Suspicious Person – Still under investigation to obtain video.

1314 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Small bag containing three baggies of methamphetamine and $60.00 were disposed.

1408 Hours – Trespass – Still under investigation to locate subject and serve possible charges of Theft.

1429 Hours – Assault – Still under investigation to obtain statements.

1610 Hours – Theft Under – Still under investigation to obtain more information.

1648 Hours – Assault – Subject charged with Assault.

1945 Hours – Assault – Both subjects arrested on outstanding warrants, one subject charged with Assault.

1943 Hours – Noise Bylaw – Subject warned under the Noise Bylaw.

2039 Hours – Assault – Subject charged with Assault.

2336 Hours – Suspicious Vehicle – Messaged left with owners of the vehicle, all doors were shut and locked, area patrolled.

0320 Hours – Intoxicated Person – Subject held and to be released when sober.

Foot Patrol – 2
Well being Checks- 4
Warrant Executed – 3

911 Calls – 4
