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An example of weir damage. (file photo)

Southwest Saskatchewan is seeing some investment from the Water Security Agency. 

A total of $2 million is being put into five southwest Saskatchewan projects. These investments are part of a larger $42 million WSA infrastructure project, which seeks to update and maintain existing infrastructure such as weirs and dams. 

These southwest projects will stretch from Lafleche to Cypress Hills. Both the Val Marie Dam and the West Val Marie Dam are receiving upgrades, such as a spillway replacement.

Patrick Boyle, spokesperson for the WSA, has been clear that this work does not yet have a start date, as everything is still being mapped out. 

"(The spillway replacement is) currently just in procurement," said Boyle. "The other is just some general upgrades and rehabilitation of different parts of the structure."

South of Mankota, the Summercove Dam is getting an investment of $650,000 for planning and design for facility upgrades, spillway upgrades, and low-level outlet and rip-rap repairs. 

A much smaller rehabilitation is being undertaken at the Wilson Weir by Cypress Hills. The Battle Creek infrastructure will be getting some work done to its diversion structure. 

"What we'll be doing there is just some initial rehabilitation work, some looking at just your basic work to bring the structure into what we would call its best shape possible," said Boyle. 

The Lafleche Dam is getting some spillway repairs for the time being. There is a multi-million-dollar project in the works for the dam, but that's still a few years out. 

During all of this work, public access to the immediate area may be restricted.

Author Alias