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Moose Jaw Police Service
August 19th, 2024 – August 20th, 2024
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total calls: 84

0830 hours. Suspicious Occurrence. Still under investigation to contact the complainant.
0837 hours. Suspicious Person. Information provided about the situation.
0844 hours. Dispute. Still under investigation.
0910 hours. Well-being check. Subject located and was fine.
1003 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subjects sent on their way.
1006 hours. Trespass. Subject to be charged with Trespassing.
1037 hours. Suspicious Person. Subjects located and advised to move on.
1041 hours. Dispute. Still under investigation to contact the complainant.
1053 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. 1 vehicle, no injuries, approximately $2,000 in damages.
1100 hours. Fraud. Still under investigation.
1115 hours. Well-being check. Subject located and brought back home.
1129 hours. Break and enter. Approximately $1000 worth of items taken.
1148 hours. Dispute. Still under investigation.
1153 hours. Dispute. Advice provided to both parties.
1255 hours. Well-being check. Subject located and taken to hospital voluntarily.
1347 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject left upon police request.
1357 hours. Stolen Bike. Black and Green BMX bike stolen.
1434 hours. Dispute. Advice provided to complainant.
1438 hours. Disturbance. Subject sent on their way with no issue.
1529 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. 3 vehicles, no injuries 1 tow, $4,000 in damages.
1531 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject issued ticket for trespass and sent on their way.
1636 hours. Theft. Approximately $15 was stolen, still under investigation.
1640 hours. Theft. Still under investigation.
1642 hours. Mischief. Approximately $800 in damages, 1 window smashed out.
1654 hours. Break and enter. Items taken from the complainant’s residence.
1800 hours. Impaired Driving. 3-day vehicle impound and 3-day license suspension.
1826 hours. Dispute. Advice provided to both parties and situation mediated.
1829 hours. Dispute. Still under investigation.
1919 hours. Mischief. Complainant’s vehicle – approximately $1,000 in damages.
1938 hours. Dangerous Dog. Owners contacted.
2235 hours. Dispute. All parties separated and advised to move along.
2305 hours. Dispute. All parties separated for the night; situation mediated.
0115 hours. Trespass. Subject issued ticket for trespassing and sent on their way.

911 calls: 3
Wellbeing check’s: 6
Assist other agencies. 2
