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Rob Carnie: Let’s touch on Souls Harbor. They operate the Riverside Mission in Moose Jaw. Let’s clarify where we are with that whole situation.  

As most people know, they want to build a new facility and get out of the old decrepit facility they have on Manitoba Street. Where are we at with that situation? 

Maryse Carmichael: Yes, so, (there are) two parts to that. Very grateful to Riverside Mission and Souls Harbor for their decision to, sadly, unfortunately, close for a few days here until the 20th of August for health issues at the current location.  

As far as the future location is concerned, administration is working with Souls Harbor for the follow-up permits for their project and then we’re just going through the normal process. As anyone building in the city or developing will know from interacting with administration. 

It’s about a three-to-four-week process. If it’s just residential construction, it can take six to eight weeks depending on the requirements for a commercial property or business, so we are within that timeline. 

We’re working with the proponent to ensure that they meet all the requirements. 

Rob: Very good. 

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