Take 5 - Municipal election

Rob Carnie: Preparations for the municipal election are coming up sooner than later. How's that going at City Hall? 

Maryse Carmichael: Well, this is going to be my first election as the city manager, so it's an exciting time.  

The municipal election will be on November 13th. We are just about to open for candidates that would like to be councilors or mayor.  

Take 5 - New Community Services Department

Rob Carnie: Let's talk about the new Community Services Department. City manager, tell us why it was created and what the goals are with the new endeavor. 

Maryse Carmichael: Since I arrived in the city, just over a year ago now, I've made a few changes with the organization. 

I took the time to do that to make sure that I would make some changes, after reflection and after seeing how they operated. 

Take 5 - September roadwork update

Rob Carnie: Let's switch it up. The Thatcher Drive East paving project! They're really getting it done. 

Maryse Carmichael: They are getting it done, and I have to tell you, on Sunday I was driving on Thatcher, and I took a picture and sent it to the Director of Operations.  

I'm like “Wow, I am impressed.”, 35° and the crews were out there on a Sunday afternoon paving.  

Take 5 - No reentry at the Moose Jaw Events Centre

Rob Carnie: Let's talk about this. This is something new. It's a no reentry policy at the Moose Jaw Events Centre for Moose Jaw Warriors games. Tell us how this came about. 

Maryse Carmichael: Yes, the season is starting really, really soon. I was just at the Event Centre yesterday for a hockey practice. So, we're back in the in the new season, there's a few changes at the Event Center. 

Take 5 - New speed limit in school zones update

Rob Carnie: One more thing before I let you go, City Manager Carmichael, and that is, let’s talk about the progress with the new signage for the 30 kilometer per hour school zones. 

I did see contractors erecting new signs at Saint Agnes School just recently, are all the signs at all the schools up now, or do we still have a few to go? 

Take 5 - Civic Elections

Rob Carnie: Civic election, you mentioned (it). Of course there is a civic election coming up this fall. Let’s go over voter registration and mail-in balloting and free city transit on election day and everything that we need to know about the civic election coming up in the fall. 

Take 5 - Annual City Survey

Rob Carnie: Maryse Carmichael is the City Manager with the City of Moose Jaw. She’s on Take 5 with Carnie and Carmichael, the annual city survey, let’s talk about that. 

Maryse Carmichael: We want to hear from residents, this year’s survey is going to be called “Parties and Potential”.  

Take 5 - Souls Harbor update

Rob Carnie: Let’s touch on Souls Harbor. They operate the Riverside Mission in Moose Jaw. Let’s clarify where we are with that whole situation.  

As most people know, they want to build a new facility and get out of the old decrepit facility they have on Manitoba Street. Where are we at with that situation? 

Take 5 - Community Safety

Rob Carnie: Community safety: let’s follow up on the meeting that we had. There were a lot of people showing up and talking about, mainly, the homeless people that are around Moose Jaw and some people fear for their safety. 

A lot of our homeless population are harmless people who just want to live life and get a bite to eat. But there are people in our downtown core that are upset, and some elderly people have come forward and said they fear for their safety.