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Dr. Brent Roussin says Manitoba is following the "severe" trajectory first modelled in August's Fourth COVID-19 Wave projections.

Out of four possible scenarios, Manitoba is currently sitting at the second-highest case scenario modelling in August projections.

"I think our fourth wave was more delayed than what early projections and shown," Roussin says.

Because of this, he says they felt further action was needed which include Tuesday's implementation of new health orders. If they are not followed, the doctor warns it will have significant impacts.

"Throughout this entire pandemic there is always a significant reliance on Manitobans to step up to do the right thing and that doesn't go away here."


New cases

Manitoba's COVID-19 test rate has spiked in the past three days. Manitoba's five-day test positivity rate is 3.7 per cent., up 0.7 per cent from Friday. Winnipeg's rate is 1.5 per cent, up from Friday's rate of 1.3 per cent.

Dr. Brent Roussin is attributing Manitoba's spike in test rate to isolated outbreaks. He also says many people are not being tested for COVID-19 until they are sick in the hospital.

There are 324 new COVID-19 cases, including 121 cases on Saturday, 120 cases on Sunday, and 83 on Monday. Almost one-third of these cases come from Southern Health areas. Roussin says this region has a significant test positivity rate but would not say what that rate is.

New cases include:

  • 122 cases in the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region
  • 87 cases in the Winnipeg health region
  • 48 cases in the Northern health region
  • 42 cases in the Prairie Mountain health region
  • 25 cases in the Interlake-Eastern health region

Out of Monday's 83 new cases, there are:

  • 29 new cases, with 25 not fully vaccinated, in the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region
  • 23 new cases, with 14 not fully vaccinated, in the Winnipeg health region
  • 15 new cases, with nine not fully vaccinated, in the Prairie Mountain health region
  • 12 new cases, with 10 not fully vaccinated, in the Northern health region
  • four new cases, with one not fully vaccinated, in the Interlake-Eastern health region

There are 814 active COVID cases and 58,916 recoveries. 

Two more people have died, both men in their 70s from the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region reported Sunday, linked to the unspecified variant of concern. This brings the total number of deaths to 1,213.

The total number of confirmed cases is 60,943.



The province is changing its guidance on time between the COVID vaccine and other immunizations, saying they now can be given together. Previously people needed to wait 14 or 28 days in between doses of different vaccines.

To date, 1,990,737 doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given out. Over the weekend many rural neighbourhoods saw increases in vaccinations.



An earlier statement from the province said 1,978,661 doses were administered. This has since been corrected.
