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When you think about the agricultural industry, you probably think of food – canola, wheat, corn, and peas. But not all the food we grow is for people. Horses nee to eat too!

When you need hay feed, Rob Blackwell, owner of Blackwell Hay Farms (BHF) has got you covered.

Growing up on a dairy farm in Bearspaw, Rob always had a calling for the farm. But as a young adult, his own farm, was not yet to be, so after high school he studied electronics and worked at the Calgary airport for a few years. In 1978 he got the opportunity to return to the farm life. Rob started his own hay farm northwest of Cochrane, a lifetime dream in the making.

Although BHF now specializes in horse feed, it took some time to find their niche. For several years BHF was selling into the export market of Japan and Korea. As the overseas market lessened, it allowed Rob to focus on a more locally based customer.

With the superior Timothy hay, sold primarily in the Calgary and Southern Alberta area, growing and selling locally offers many benefits including convenience and quality assurance. It offers that personal touch.

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Hay producers rely heavily on rain in May and June for growth, and warm dry weather in Jul and Aug for harvest. The cool foothills evenings are also a key growth factor. The weather is the one aspect of no control.

Post harvest, keeping the hay safe from the elements in storage is simple: after production of the hay and being baled into small squares, it is stored in various hay sheds. The round bales are net wrapped and stacked in a manner for the least amount of damage by weather. Square bales are becoming unique to the Cochrane area and animal owners like the versatility of choice.

When picking up feed from BHF, customers know that quality and care come first. They are confident when feeding it to their horses. BHF hay is analyzed to guarantee the quality. In addition to the top-quality horse hay, there are many grades of hay for cattle. Delivery is available for large orders.

Rob recently opened a feed store on BHF property which caters to a wider variety of animals. Bags of various kinds for horses, dogs, cats, chickens, etc. Salt and minerals in block form, shavings, and other miscellaneous products are in store. The feed store is open four days a week and takes all types of payments.

Blackwell Hay Farms and Blackwell Feed and Forage is located at 50127 TWP 280, Rocky View County, AB, about 20 km north of Cochrane.

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Author Alias