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2023 Providence University College airline pilot student (Photo provided)
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A 2023 Providence student in the aviation program poses for a photo. (Supplied)

Providence University College and Theological Seminary is soaring to new heights with its expanded aviation program this fall.

“We’ve had an aviation program for years, partnering with Harv’s Air in Steinbach since 1984," Dr. Nicholas Greco, the Provost at Providence, says. "And now we’re introducing an expanded program that includes a new license called the Integrated ATPL, which stands for Airline Transport Pilot Licence. It’s a game changer because it allows our graduates to step straight into a commercial airliner cockpit right after finishing their degree.” 

Greco explained that the Integrated ATPL is designed to streamline the path from education to flying professionally. “With this new setup, students can complete some of their flight and ground training while they’re still in school. Now this is a big shift from what we used to offer and should help our graduates enter the field faster.”

The aviation program has always been popular at Providence, with around 10 new students joining each year. “We’re expecting to double that number with this new program. The expanded offering should attract more students since they can meet some of the flight requirements during their studies rather than after graduation.” 

Harv’s Air staff, including experienced pilots, have been involved in training Providence students since the beginning. “Our collaboration with Harv’s has been ongoing for the past 40 years. This new program means that our students are better prepared for commercial aviation right out of the gate. It’s a significant development for us.”

For those interested in a career in aviation, Providence’s revamped program could be the ticket to a successful start in the skies.

Author Alias