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Canadian Foodgrain Bank Regional Rep for Manitoba and Kenora, Gordon Janzen
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Canadian Foodgrain Bank Regional Rep for Manitoba and Kenora, Gordon Janzen

For those who support the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in Manitoba, they will know the passion Gordon Janzen has for this organization that is devoted to end world hunger.

Janzen is the CFB's Regional Rep for Manitoba and Kenora and has launched a new initiative to raise more funds for the Foodgrains Bank, and the plan is as sweet as honey. 

The Winnipegger has 4 bee houses in his back yard and has rallied other beekeepers to donate a portion of the sale of their honey to the CFB as well.  Last year this group of 7 beekeepers raised close to $17,000 in donations for the Foodgrains Bank.

Funds raised will help to alleviate hunger around the world, in countries hardest hit by food insecurity such as Afghanistan, Haiti and South Sudan.

As beekeepers complete their 2024 seasonal harvest, Janzen has put the call out to fellow beekeepers across the country in hopes other commercial or individual beekeepers will join the group by donating the proceeds of a hive (or more) to end hunger in 30+ countries around the world, to help fight hunger in some of the world’s most vulnerable hunger hotspots.

"I have a couple of beekeepers who have committed to setting aside a few of their hives, and the proceeds from those hives, but I don't know how many will be contributing this year just yet, but I'm hoping to increase that to build on what we did last year," he explains.

"So, if you know of hobby beekeepers and commercial beekeepers who might be interested in supporting Foodgrains Bank this way, give them a tap on the shoulder, or get them in touch with me, or send the contribution to Foodgrains Bank and designate 'beekeepers'," adds Janzen.

For more information, please visit the Canadian Foodgrains Bank website HERE.

Please listen to more with Gordon Janzen below as he shares on this new fundraising venture for the Foodgrains Bank.


Audio file
Author Alias