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(in order of appearance) Principal of Winkler Elementary Jordan James, GVSD Secretary Treasurer Kevin Vovchuk
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(in order of appearance) Principal of Winkler Elementary Jordan James, GVSD Secretary Treasurer Kevin Vovchuk

Winkler Elementary School is nearing the completion of a significant renovation inside of the building – a complete relocation of their office.  

The office, once located near the center of the school has been moved to be near the main entrance of the building. This was for several reasons, according to Garden Valley School Division Secretary Treasurer Kevin Vovchuk. “We prefer to have it at our main entrance so that we can see folks coming in and out, greet them as they come in and just keep track of the people coming and going from the school much easier. 

Jordan James, the Principal of Winkler Elementary added that the new location created, “...a more personable experience, versus having to buzz in, and when you get in, not really knowing which way to go to the office. But now we can see people as they enter the building and greet them.”  

Vovchuk shared that the office relocation has been in the works for over five years. Despite the project being relatively small on a provincial scale, it was deemed essential for safety and operational efficiency. “It was a project that we had proposed to the government in our five-year capital plan, but it really wasn’t a project that they would likely entertain given its relatively small size in the provincial landscape. It was a priority project for the board... so we decided last budget cycle to self-fund the project and pay for it out of the Garden Valley School Division coffers.”  

Principal James also expressed his appreciation for the board’s support, saying that, “It really means a lot to us, as it helps our day-to-day.”  

Click below to hear the full interview with GVSD Treasurer Kevin Vovchuk, and WES Principal Jordan James.  

Audio file