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To further protect residents and staff of long-term care homes from COVID-19 the provincial government has implemented a mandatory vaccine policy.

The new mandate will come into effect on November 15, 2021, for all in-home staff, support workers, students, and volunteers.

At the local level, the Kenora District Homes did their part to stay ahead of COVID-19 and protect their staff and residents as they implemented their own vaccine mandate prior to the government's announcement.

“We feel that it’s unfortunate that we’re all experiencing COVID but it’s extremely important that we protect the residents that we serve across the district and this is the best way that we can support our residents and protect them from COVID-19,” said Michelle Spencer, Assistant Administrator and Human Resources Manager for the District of Kenora Homes for the Aged.

Spencer explained their mandate would come into effect by November 8, 2021, compared to the government's November 15, and employees that fail to provide proof of vaccination would face unpaid leave. Now, with the government's new vaccine mandate if vaccine proof isn’t provided the employee can no longer return to work.

The agency is taking extra precautions to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks as they are performing random rapid antigen testing on their fully vaccinated staff starting October 15, 2021.

When asked what the reaction was of staff from the vaccine mandate, Spencer said it was mixed.

“We had lots of staff that were very happy that we went this route, and of course we had some staff that wasn’t happy at all, and then we had the staff that was not happy that it was being forced on them but understood why it was being forced on them,” added Spencer.

Spencer was able to provide rough vaccination numbers of staff and residents in their three homes across the district.

Kenora’s Pinecrest Home is approximately 98 per cent fully vaccinated, Red Lake’s Northwood Lodge Home for the Aged is 100 per cent vaccinated, and Dryden’s Princess Court is about 88 per cent vaccinated.

“We’re fortunate that the majority of the staff had signed on for the vaccine and saw the importance of how it protects the vulnerable sector,” concluded Spencer.

Along with the new vaccine policy the government has laid out requirements associated with proof of vaccination, along with new employees as well including:

  • Staff, support workers, students, and volunteers will have until November 15, 2021, to show proof that they have received all required doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, or to show proof of a valid medical exemption.
  • Staff who do not have all required doses or a valid medical exemption by the deadline will not be able to enter a long-term care home to work.

  • Newly hired staff will be required to be fully vaccinated before they begin working in a home unless they have a valid medical exemption.

  • Homes will begin randomly testing fully vaccinated individuals, including staff, caregivers, and visitors, to help detect possible breakthrough cases of COVID-19 as early as possible.

In addition to adding randomized testing of vaccinated individuals, homes will continue to regularly test individuals who are not fully vaccinated. The ministry will also step up rigorous inspections of homes infection, prevention and control measures.

Fully vaccinated staff will continue to be able to work in more than one long-term care home, retirement home, or other health service provider setting.
