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Ryan Sullivan

To everyone who reached out to Robyn and myself during this devastating time, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  To our relatives and dear friends, trust me, I couldn’t have gotten through it without you all.

The visits, calls, cards, flowers, baking, and those who attended Ryan’s memorial from near and far will never be forgotten.

I would especially like to thank John and Peter Iatridis for so generously catering the reception.  It was a very special thing to do and much appreciated.  One of his best times, among many, was being a part of Lovetown.  You guys were great.

Also, a big thank you to Iain MacDonald of Regina for piping.  Ryan’s times with City of Regina Pipe Band were so special to him.

Thank you so much to Pastor Marvin Seaborg for his usual comforting and caring service.

Lastly, I am deeply grateful to Ryan’s lifelong friend, Abbey White, for finding the strength to speak despite his own sadness.  You made the day lighter – which we most desperately needed.

We thank each and every one of you sincerely.  May Ryan’s memory live on in each one of us.

Author Alias