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Moose Jaw Police Service

September 6th, 2024 – September 7th, 2024

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls- 66

0731 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. 2 vehicle collision, no injuries 1 tow was needed as well as approximately $20,000 in damages.

1031 hours. Assist other government agencies. Subject located and returned to the hospital.

1039 hours. Wellbeing Check. Subject located and transported to the hospital voluntarily and left in their care.

1049 hours. Trespass. Subject to be located and issued a ticket.

1058 hours. Theft. Fence stolen sometime overnight.

1128 hours. Mischief. Still under investigation to review video.

1136 hours. Intoxicated person. Subject arrested for multiple charges, to be released later.

1141 hours. Wellbeing Check. Subject located and is doing well.

1224 hours. Dangerous Driving. Still under investigation to locate and warn the driver.

1302 hours. Theft. Subject arrested for theft and outstanding warrants.

1315 hours. Still under investigation.

1515 hours. Wellbeing Check. Subject located and taken home.

1608 hours. Harassment. Still under investigation to speak with the subject.

1722 hours. Disturbance. Advice provided to the complainant.

1837 hours. Wellbeing Check. The subject was located and is doing well.

2101 hours. Dispute. Both Parties separated for the night.

2300 hours. Assist to Locate. Subject located and returned home.

2322 hours. Disturbance. Subject was sent on their way after verbal argument.

0101 hours. Intoxicated Person. Subject arrested for public intoxication, to be released when sober.

911 calls- 8

Wellbeing Check- 8

Assist other agencies- 4
