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Moose Jaw Police Service

Sept 7th, 2024 – Sept 8th, 2024

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total calls: 52

0803 Hours – Unwanted Guest- Subject was issued a trespass ticket.

0836 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence- Spoke to the subject everything was fine, declined police assistance.

0839 Hours – Dispute- Verbal argument, subjects warned for actions, everyone left upon request.

0849 Hours – Break and Enter- Garage on the 200 Block of Duffield Street was broken into overnight and had approx. $300 dollars of items stolen.

0916 Hours – Theft- Electric bike was stolen on the 500 block of Coteau Street West.

0919 Hours- Found Property- Phone was located on the back deck of residence on the 400 block of 4th Ave North West.

0952 Hours- False Alarm

0955 Hours- Dispute- Situation mediated, plan made to arrange pickup of property.

1057 Hours- Lost Property- Reported for information in case item is turned in.

1111 Hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject located and sent on there way after being banned from location.

1123 Hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was located and issued trespass ticket and sent on their way, advised not to attend banned locations.

1150 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Passed onto the city to be dealt with.

1329 Hours- MVA- Single Vehicle accident, 1 injury, Vehicle towed, approx. $3000 damage.

1410 Hours- Found Property- Vehicle plate found and returned to SGI.

1429 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Someone was living in trailer for an unknown amount of time, found items to be disposed of.

1535 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Subject was having a fire in a approved fire pit.

1537 Hours- Theft Under- Stolen Plate to be added to database.

1725 Hours- Shoplifting- Attempted theft from store, subject to be banned.

1923 Hours- Dispute- Not a police matter, arrangements were made for property exchange.

1957 Hours- Suspicious Vehicle- Subject was located just waiting for a friend, left upon police request.

2001 Hours- Intoxicated Driver- Subject was located and administered a alcohol screening test and passed.

2015 Hours- Disturbance- Subject was located and held till sober.

2206 Hours- Suspicious occurrence- Upon police arrival and area being searched nothing located.

2241 Hours- Intoxicated Driver- Subject was located and given alcohol screening device, passed.

2249 Hours- Noise Bylaw- Upon Arrival no loud music, vehicle was located and asked to move along. Moved without an issue.

0120 Hours- Fire Call- House fire on the 1200 Block Iroquois Drive, started in the basement, approximately $100,000 damage.

0244 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Staff were cleaning up from the concert.

0357 Hours- Alarm call- False alarm, security were unaware that alarms had went off.

911 calls: 12

Assist other Agency: 1

Foot Patrol – 3

Well Being Check – 8
