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Moose Jaw Police Service
Sept 8th, 2024 – Sept 9th, 2024
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total calls: 36

0711 Hours – Alarm Call- False Alarm, building all secure.
0832 Hours – Theft Under- Subject located and spoken to regarding their actions, possible to be banned from location.
0909 Hours – Unwanted Guest- Subject to be issued ticket for trespass.
0954 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence- An unknown person entered an unsecure apartment without permission.
1001 Hours – Lost property- Reported for information, incase it gets turned in.
1225 Hours- Dispute- Dispute over property, still under investigation.
1322 Hours- Dispute- Situation mediated, options provided on how to proceed.
1420 Hours- Dispute- Civil dispute, not a police matter advised to go through civil court.
1426 Hours- Harassing Calls- Messages not criminal in nature.
1435 Hours- Fraud- Complaint out $350 for a buy off marketplace. Reported for information.
1509 Hours- Mischief- Two tires were slashed, still under investigation for possible charges.
1600 Hours- Noise Bylaw- Subject was in the park and warned of the dog bylaw that states no dogs in Crescent Park, Sent on their way.
1641 Hours- Theft Under- Reported for information.
1642 Hours- Found Property- Passed onto the commissionaires to be picked up.
1746 Hours- Dispute- Civil dispute, not a police issue.
1828 Hours- False Alarm- Area and business searched, all doors secure, nothing suspicious.
2000 Hours- Trespass- Subject issued a ticket for trespassing.
2104 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Multiple calls regarding an alarm that could be heard in the 100 block of Thatcher Drive East
2109 Hours- Dispute- Both Parties separated. Situation mediated.

2142 Hours- Noise Bylaw- Spoke with the staff and parents of the children being loud, and they will keep the noise to a minimum.
2206 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Party had already dispersed upon police arrival.
2232 Hours- Disturbance- Subject was being followed by an unknown truck- reported for information.
2206 Hours- Suspicious occurrence- Upon police arrival and area being searched nothing located.
0116 Hours- Trespass- issued a trespass ticket and reminded of being banned from the property not to attend.

911 Calls-4
Assist other Agency: 3
Suspicious occurrences- 3
Well Being Check – 6
